I've seen lots of Companies, Squads, and such that have sayings on their apparatus. Like FDNY has "Midtown Madness" for Ladder Co. 24/Engine Co. 1, or "Never Missed A Performance" on Engine 54 and "Pride of Midtown" on Ladder 4. What is your company/squad motto or what do you have written on your apparatus?

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Thanks TJ (and everyone else)...I never thought it would get this far along. I figured this post would just go for a while and then fizzle. Read a lot of great ideas and laughs so far!
Wayland VFD uses.....
Kickin Ashes & Takin Flames
You see our Logo on our website........ www.waylandvfd.webs.com
All of our trucks will have this on them, Caps, T Shirts as well, We plan on using this garner attention.
Is it true Wayland only has 15 people?
gates ambulance ny-- is so others may live.
Odenton Volunteer Fire Company - "Force of the Fourth" (before our county went down to 3 Battalions)
We dont have it on out apparatus as of yet, but after much political turmoil and an admitted bid to disband our department, we have adopted the unofficial slogan of "Smile and Wave Boys, Just Smile and Wave" since those who led to the troubles commonly look as we pass and on occasion raise the one fingered solute to us as we pass by.
The smiling and waving of course gets to them and we have talked about putting that ont the trucks as an in your face move.
"Go ahead and take up the 8 balls are here"
The only thing that is on our apparatus is a picture of our Mill that has been around for years. The only other thing is we had put a picture of an eagle with a tear and the towers on our Rescue and it is on both sides in memory of the brothers and sisters that were lost on 9-11. It says this on the side: All Gave Some, Some Gave All 9-11-01

that is the only Motto if you want to call it that on any of our trucks...
We just changed from an engine company to a Squad "JACK OF ALL TRADES MASTER OF NONE"!
macon state prison had around a 67 model american lafrance and it was painted yellow not slime lime but a true yellow and white top. they named it tweety bird. fire services painted it white over red after a wreck but they still call it tweety bird. they had painted a large tweety bird on the front of the engine.

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