I am a really big American LaFrance fan . The one on my pics is a 2001 American LaFrance Eagle Series Rescue/Engine . My second favorite would ba a Pierce Dash

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You know, I really haven't heard much on E-One. We have a 94 E-One/IH engine, and I think it's a fairly decent truck (other then the commercial chassis). We are going to receive an E-One/IH pumper tanker here soon. The only custom we have is an 87 Spartan/LTI, and I really enjoy the ride on this one. We also have a GMC/FMC, nice but bought in a hurry. Our county is dominated by Pierce with the other makes scattered out there, and I wonder why there isn't a single Seagrave here? Well that's all from me for now. 622 out!
well our fleet is all e-one but we're in the change of going to sutfin, we just ordered a brand new ladder from them and we're NOT happy at all with e-one, crappy servise.
I would have to go with Seagrave, we have a 1945 pumper as a PR vehicle, a 1985 pumper, a 1993 Heavy rescue pumper, a 2002 Light rescue, NYC style pumper, and a 2006 100' ladder that replaced our 1988 100' ladder.

After that I would go with Mack, 1978 pumper, 1000 gpm 500 gal booster

I don't know if it's appropriate to call a Mack "cute;" but that's a cute rig!
Haha can't say I have heard that one before
The best I ever saw and rode on was a LTI Simon Duplex sadly they were bought out and defunked the guys at the house nd I were talking just last Tues. about La France and they also are heading for the chopping block their new facility in N.C. is down and the lease not being re established odd they had it built at all but then Grumman did the same thing year before they folded. I have a feeling with Diamler pulling out of a lot of the "American" car/truck industry we as fire fighters are going to see more and more out of USA companies step in like Renault or more Asian driven, sad but true unless a few money men step in and ring back our truck makers.

we had 2 macks were good trucks now we have 2 grumman 1500 gpm trucks i love them both
Manufacturers I wouldn't buy from:

Pierce, especailly Contenders

The ones I would buy;

my dept. has 6 KME we good luck we had pierce did not like it
sunbelt built our new truck
For tradition, I like the Dennis, but we've never had them!

Our current Isuzu is a nice truck, but doesn't like hills when the motor is cold; at replacement time if we're lucky we might get a Scania, they go well cold or hot; there's a rumour that there's going to be an issue of a new style using Mack, they might be OK. All our bodies are custom built to our design, rumour also has it that the Mack could be a centre mount pump, and I think the rear mount is more usable. But we just put up with what is issued.
Pierce. Hands down. We have a 2004 Pierce Dash, and are getting a 2008 Pierce Quantum. Can't say anything about the Quantum (this'll be my first time riding one), but I love our Dash. She's a beast. Never had any major problems with her. Now, our ALF Quint? *sigh*. She's spent more time OOS than in service since we got her in '03. Last count she's had her pump replaced once that I know of, had her transmission rebuilt/fixed 4 or 5 times and eventually replaced, had a part fall off the ladder while it was extended and had to be sent back to be fixed, had a problem with the AC unit leaking water like a sieve into the cab and all over the driver and console, something with either the brakes or the jake brake... the list goes on. I don't feel safe at all riding her. If I never set foot in her again it would be too long. I'd rather take the ambulance or utility to a call.

Speaking of ambulances, we have International box units; pretty happy with the new ones. The old ones (pre '03) had their fair share of issues, but the newer ones (T4300 series) have worked like a charm to the best of my knowledge.

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