Last week I went to lunch with some co-workers (non-FFs) and the discussion rolled around to my involvement with the FD. One of the guys said "well, you must have guys that just join the department for the drinking". This recalled to mind another comment by someone, some years back, who swore that ALL volunteer FFs drank at the station and "those who say they don't are lying".

In my department you might find a 6-pack or two if you look in every nook and cranny, but we really don't touch the stuff on drill night or after calls, or meetings. There just isn't stuff to touch. In the late 80s we had the converted soda machine that dispensed several brands of beer but we got rid of it because the Jr. FFs were becoming interested in the stuff.

So - what is your department policy or practice regarding alcohol in the firehouse?

NOTE: 10/16/09: I started this thread over two years ago to gather input from other volunteer firefighters on FFN as it was then. The new theme is, what steps can we take to make America's fire houses 100% dry?

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i was just on the women on and i posted so i am not sure
It appears to have closed in the last several hours. I will state for the record that Some of my favorite firefighters, including my wife, a true rookie, are my favorite firefighters, but drunk women should DEFINITELY be asked to leave their departments! HA! Drunk men too, for that matter, but a little humor will always help. Probably piss someone off too but such is life.

Seriously though. My first department had a FireChick as she called herself, and she was about 5'2" tall and maybe 95 Lbs. and she could get into little tiny spaces that nobody else could get into. Always did better in the SCBA maze than anyone else. She was a real asset to the department, and convinced me that any woman who had the drive could do the job and should be welcomed into the crew.
Yeah; we had a couple of little guys.
Called them "attic rats".
I believe the policy with the City (Career) FD is we are not allowed to drink 8 hours before shift starts. I am unsure of the policy at the Volunteer FD but I am sure it goes along with the Zero tolerance thing.
The intent of this discussion was to get feedback from other firefighters across America on what policy or policies they have in place. Or, if there are still departments that have the open bar policy. Just to get an idea of what others are doing. To my knowledge this is the only discussion on the topic on this web site.

Seems to me that recent events have shown this is a very relevant topic to be discussed openly and honestly by firefighters everywhere. I, for one have been impressed by the large number of "zero tolerance" responses. There are many departments that haven't been enlightened yet.
We have an SOG in the book that addresses the issue of drinking, then responding.
It is modeled after the DOT requirements.
At my workplace, if more than .02 shows up in your system, bye-bye.
The reason that it isn't .00 is because our attorney says that certain meds contain alcohol and that the body can produce low levels of alcohol naturally.
And everyone knows you can't argue with an attorney.
You'll never help out anyone by ruining the reputations of brother firefighters or contribute to the "yahoos in pick up trucks" mentality by being a part of perhaps the most indefensible "tradition" at a firehouse. If the public thinks that there is a chance that one of us answered a call intoxicated, you can kiss fund raisers, budget amendments and your future in this service wouldn't hesitate to run into a burning house to save someone, so don't hesitate to save your departments future. Don't drink and fight fire.....ever.
I belong to a small rural fire dept. and drinking is part of the culture and the social structure in the house. I am fully aware that firehouses are the center for social life in many areas , like ours, but it sometimes gets out of hand and places the brothers and civilians at risk. I belive that the social aspects of the culture clash with our responsiblites when alcohol is not monitored. I don't drink often and most times it places me at odds with the others in the firehouse. I am not saying I don't drink but if I have one I don't drive if I have more I don't go, even if I am at the station or not. When I am home enjoying a few coctails with the wife I shut my pager off and enjoy myself. I refuse to be responsible for injuring a brother r a civilian when I am imparied. I don't think I could forgive myself. I just am at odds with myself about what to do about the situation in the department. I love these guys and yet I am afraid that I could lose one due to thier actions, or more importantly my in-action, but also I am afraid to bring it up becasue I am afraid it will alienate me even further then I am . So if you guys out there have a idea let me know. Thanks for listening.
We used to go thru about 2 kegs a week in my dept.Now,maybe 2 bottles.We have a zero tolerance policy in effect,1 drink and don't respond.We realize that different people have different tolerances to alchohol but what we do for one we do for all.Over all the coffee pot is our best friend.Don't get me wrong...when we have a party,especially our installation dinner, or event that allows drinking we do our best,but we have a mutual aid company on auto stand-by.We do it for them too.And we do have a few of us that don't drink at all.We recently laid a brother to his final rest,after the wake we toasted his memory with a shot and a beer,10 minutes later an MVA came in and we just stayed where we were,at the house.There was only 2 members that did not toast with alchohol and they took thr rescue,the chief at the house immediately called Sig.14(mutual aid) and the situation was handled.
If this situation exists at your fire station, then you have to ask yourself:
Is it the social aspects that attracts people to the fire station-i.e. Fire Department-or are they there to protect and help the residents of your fire district?
When the need to consume alcohol becomes greater than the desire to respond in a sane and sober manner to an incident, then it's time to sell the toys and let the town next door provide your fire protection.
I like to drink occasionally also, but now that I am a trustee, I don't plan on consuming several beverages and then attempt to conduct the business of the fire district at a meeting. Bad decisions would result, I'm sure.
And that is different than responding to an incident HOW?
Our company is dry. We don't allow alcohol at the firehouse, and members are not allowed to respond to calls or events if they have had more than one drink. It's a strict policy that we adhere to. Neighboring companies allow drinking at their firehouse, but there are so many members that abuse this kind of privledge that it isn't even worth us reconsidering our policies.
in our dept. alcohol is forbidon, thats just in the station. if any of our volunteers drink, they ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT RESPOND TO CALLS. until they are sober

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