should the color of fire apparatus be red or lime green? or does it matter? why or why not?

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your a man of many words Seth...
James, Nice looking rig! and is that a blue stripe I see?
all of our trucks are red (2 pumpers, 1 tanker, 1 resuce, 1 brush truck) we do got one brush truck thats white. i like red better
the fire engine was red there came the term fire engine red they should all be this color
our dept has chrome yellow on all the fire engines. as far as what color they should be i guess it all depends on the depts taste. but i also think thata lighter color is easier to see at night, because there are times that we as fire depts respond to non emergency calls for service and we dont use our emergency lights. on the other hand it may not matter because people in our town dont pull over or see us even if we have our lights on our not.
Real fire trucks are red!
red nuff said maybe white top
to me the color doesnt matter at my dept the tanker is red and the engine is lime green and our brush it white.
your post, exclaiming that white fire trucks are a winner for your department is so simply put, so... humble. : ) ms
Red gotta be RED

but why limit to just two color options?

Lt Lake, Not to open up a can of worms here but was that first picture a tender or a tanker? (LOL) and those color shots, very impressive, it would be cool if folks would simply forward a picture of their engines color scheme. One per department, what a cool slide show to watch.

Thanks for sharing these shots. Good job!
come on michael the first photo was Masons Engine aka pumper
this is a tanker er I mean tender um wait are we at a structure fire or wild land fire? lol

and again notice its

by the way nice plug for your discussion

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