Welcome to the group! Let me tell you all a little about myself. I am a 29 year old father of one beautiful little girl. I am the founding pastor of the Christian Firefighters Association. I am a full time Emergency Services Chaplain serving volunteer departments in North Carolina. My website is FirehouseChaplain.org. I look forward to getting to know more fire/EMS personnel on this site. God Bless and stay safe.
it is truly wonderful to meet folks dedicated to following god in this ministry. I believe it is truly a calling to be able to minister to people in some of there worst possible moments in life and to share Gods hope and love.
Rev. Tally Thank you for think of starting this site, I am a minister, put am also in the fire service and have been now for over 30 years. Its been harder on me than some because this wasn't a field that Blacks were wanted in, over the years things have changed. And with the Lords help in answering prayers, all things can happen has you know... Keep up the good work, and may his light shine down on you....
Hey Brother,
I understand the way you feel, i have gone through periods of time in my life where there seems to be no way to get "close" to God. I would do every thing i could to get there.... read, pray,.... read.... pray some more.... cry, or at least try to... beg Him for that feeling of closeness... Having been walking with God for almost 4 years i suppose now, i still face these confusions and emotions and feelings of failure, separation and detachment. I think for the longest time, and still now to an extent i feel like i have been and sometimes still am under the false presumption that as Christians we will always feel this great "Happiness" and if we don't, something isn't right, were doing something wrong, or were one of those people who won't last. Wrong, im still developing in this truth, in fact this very day has been a struggle, but I'm learning that when we read God's word we have to Trust it no matter if we feel like " a miraculously changed man" or the same way we did before we started reading it. We have to trust in God's message, even if we don't feel it, or feel "closer to God" or whatever. We just have too look at it believe and not let what are minds or hearts tell us stand in the way of that. That trust is called Faith, and according to Ephesians 2: 8-9 That's what we need to open up the door for God's saving Grace. It says.. "For by Grace you have been saved through Faith, and not that of yourselves; it is the Gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast"
Love you brother,
Joe Heath
P.S. It is a gift from God to fellowship with those who share afflictions like your own. You have blessed me today... God is working through you already :) Have Faith