Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed the high level of incompetence shown, (especially where the young guys are concerned), in the arena of grammer? Dare I say spelling, but I am a lousy speller as well. Sister Virginia would kick my ass if she thought I was killing the English language the way these people do. As would most of the other teachers I've had, not to mention my mother! How does a person make it through life without the ability to communicate? I fear we as a society will be overrun by a culture of profesional communicators that can only say correctly, "Would you like to supersize that sir'? Am I just an idiot for noticing this or should I be happy that my son will grow up with the ability to speak and write? Or is that speek and rite?

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Yes, mine's leveling the old desk! It gets cold here sometimes, got to get wood where you can!
What's a Dickchunairy?.....I hope I just made someone spit whatever they where drinking all over the place.
We didn't have nuns; we had psychotic librarians. They took the building's code of silence very seriously. You're only warning that they were coming to get you is that one of them had one leg a little shorter than the other and when she walked, she sounded like a clicker.
But the other one? She was like a ghost. You would see her until she had you by the ear.
Me, too!
It was HER!
That is a small dog that has a long body and short legs. Often called "wienie". It is related to the chihoowahoowa.
I KNOW my dog breeds. You won't want to take me on.
I happen to raise shit shoes.
You fight fires that you didn't start, in buildings you don't own as a hobby and no-one thinks you're special...............but get one rabbit up your ass and all of a sudden you're a freak!
I have heard of "bunny" rabbits. I am new to "butty" rabbits.
Does it tickle?
How many people never came back?

Do, do, do, do. Do, do, do, do...............
I can't even spell that word but I are smart.
I tried to come up with a response to that one...and couldn't...laughing too hard.
We had a mobile library available in the summer. The driver looked like a procreation effort between Janis Joplin and Cheech Marin.
Hey maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. (insert lengthy silence) You gettin a book?
The wiseass in me was always tempted to respond by notifying him that I was the book spine inspector, but I was 12 at the time and still had a healthy respect for "authority", even if said figure was stoned out of his head.
Then one day he was gone....and Sister Mary Maguire took over. She was meaner than a pit viper and twice as fast. Any thoughts of making wiseass comments died a quick death before they were formed.
Hey, had better watch out people.....We haven't been chatting about Firefighting....there is a self proclaimed monitor here that feels that nothing but tech stuff be "discussed" here.....LOL Paul

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