just curious to see how many use them and there opinions on them, I have been wanting to try them out.Thanks in advance

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Dont bother....They may seem like a "cool" glove to wear but the problem is that the liner actually melts into a ball of goop. I actually purchased a pair of the Protech 8 gloves and was at a Chief's Show where another manufacturer was doing a demonstration and they were using the Protech8 and put a gas grill lighter to the liner and it melted into a pile of melted goop. Fireman's Shield out of South Carolina makes a great pair of gloves of which I have a pair and I love them..also Total Fire Group is marketing a new pair of gloves of which I hear great things about but havent tried yet they are made of Kangaroo Skin instead of leather and are supposed to be awesome but they are expensive...around $90.00. Check out Firemans Shield they a great glove.... Stay Safe
my department just went to them... and i think they are ok... last time i checked the liner isn't exposed to open flame and if it is your in more trouble... that the liner is the last of your worries... and i don't think it would be NFPA complaint if there was some type of time and temp rating on them... but before we got the Protech 8's i had Shelby's they are awsome... i loved them.. they were elk and kangaroo... with gore... they were always dry.. and i had great dexterity...
That first reply is basically nonsense. If you hold a flame to any liner of any glove, it's going to melt. Forget about the marketing efforts and smear campaigns of rival companies, a melting liner isn't going to matter unless you wear your gloves inside out, it's protected by the same EIGHT layers as your hand is with the pro-tech 8 glove. My advice is to ask people who use them in the field. You'll get nothing but compliments. Total Fire Group has done nothing but bash the Pro-Tech 8 because TechTrade did what they couldn't, and that's all there is to it.

Check out more at http://www.techtradellc.com, or you can contact TechTrade's offices directly and they'll be happy to help you and answer your questions.

Stay Safe.
I have been in the service a long time. I have had many pairs of gloves all NFPA stamped. We have the Protech 8 gloves and have had them in heated areas and they seem to be fine. If your dumb enough to put flame to the interior oof your glove then you deserve to have it a ball of goop. If your in a fire and you get that hot then you probbly dead anyway,or you are serverly burned. with the NFPA standard on them i do trut them because that is what the service requires. Like they say stop trying to bad talk one company for another that is just wrong. There are lots of great gloves out there they are all personal prefernces, but they all are NFPA. need i say more.
i currently use Pro tech 8 gloves, and I love them. I am a training instructor for my department, and have used these in training fires, as well as fires in the field setting. And they have performed outstanding. I have nothing but good thing to say for this product. I have used this pair now for just over 2 years, and I am getting ready to buy another. These gloves are well worth their weight in gold, to bad they are so light compared to the competition.
I received a pair a few years ago. I have not had a bit of problem with them. They are comfortable and flexible from the day you start wearing them. Unlike to old style type gloves would take several fires to get them broke in. I agree with Daniel in the bashing of Pro Tech gloves from other manufactures. I was at the IAFC conference in Atlanta and they were demo the same flame test..
A few of us on our department order a pair and we loved them...we got the rest of our department to go to them now...i have two pairs now for both sets of my gear...none of us have anything bad to say just good.
This just to let you know, as of April 2007 Pro Tech received the NFPA 2007 standard compliance certification. This information is available on thier website. www.pro-tech8.com
As of this week, I heard the ProTech glove is no longer listed as being NFPA 1971 compliant. I know there has been controversy, as discussed below. I heard you can call SEI, their old certification organization for more info (SEI.com) but have not had the time to do so yet. The glove was on the SEI website as being certified last week and is missing this week. Good luck.
More information regarding this will be available on the pro-tech website later today. The "dealer advisory" recently released by competitors is more of the same old thing, however there is important information you should know which as I said will be available soon. I will post links once the information on the website is ready.
Please visit http://www.pro-tech8.com for a message from TechTrade regarding this.

Ok, checked further and ProTech website confirms ProTech8 is no longer certified. They blame a NFPA Formal Interpretation that "changed" test methods. But a Formal Interpretation is what Committee intent WAS, it is not a Tenative Interim Amendment. Yes, I talked to friends on NFPA. Not sure why/if these gloves are not being recalled. I would call SEI and/or NFPA before I used the gloves to see if they meet 1971 requirements. It is a polyester lining next to the hand, and we are discouraged from wearing polyester garments under our turnout gear never mind ON our hands.

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