ok its easy ad a number and ur anwser and repost lest see how it goes, question is what is ur greatest fear?

1) little jon ( being alone when i die)

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Retirement. What the heck do ya do then??
Some people ask me what the heck I do now......LOL Paul
Right at this particular moment, it's my vote tomorrow night. So I guess my fear is not getting on even though I've been reassured by a lot of people that there's nothing to worry about. So not looking too far ahead that's it for now.
For me? Losing track of my crew in a fire & getting lost ... && also falling through a floor, that never turns out good.
Recent Nightmare,crawling trought the smoke to find the line after i lose it for a second and grabing something softer,and as i look up there's a Giant F-ing SNAKE coming at me trough the smoke!as i get wrapped up by the thing.
Making the wrong decision that would get my fire fighters hurt or killed...
mine would have to be if something were to happen who would raise my two boys and would they be ok with out me there to help them up when they fall down
hang in there you did your best thats all we can do
Not being able to get to that little child who is hiding in the closet or under the bed in time.
losing one of my children or my wife woould be my greatest fear
Well.....Coming home after a long shift and finding one of my buddies in the sack keeping my wife company!! Top that one.
My biggest fear would have been while I was serving as a Chief Officer and having to knock on somebody’s door to tell them their loved one wasn’t coming home.

As an Instructor at the Fire School my biggest fear was not being in the right place at the right time to protect my students.

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