Kurt Russel or John Travolta?

Backdraft has always been my favorite movie. Come on, who can forget when that movie first came out, All the "wackers" coming to movie theatre with there pagers one, knowing that they are out of their district, dragged the love ones to see it and they didn't want to. And who can not forget the famous line of the movie, "You go, We go!"


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I know about "arsonist firefighters" too damn many of them these days, that doesn't mean I need to like a story where any Firefighters are the villan.

I liked Ladder 49 because it was about an ordinary guy who was a FF. It told his story and didn't need a villan.

cool, I got cha!. did you check out the trailor for "FireProof?"

It's about a firefighter and his marriage. They both have promising and good careers,
and he is trying to save his marriage. Check out discussion "New Movie Coming out Sept 26......."
Neither was perfect, however Backdraft was wholly unrealistic
I think that ladder 49 was alot better than backdraft because i felt it showed more of what it is like in a firehouse .
im going with ladder 49. i think it had a good story line.
Run.....Damn you!!!!
Dave, you should have 1. take the cell phone and threw it against the wall. or 2. just smack the s--t out of them, or 3. both!
i'll back that 100%...
My vote is for Ladder 49 even though Backdraft is definitely very close behind it in my favorite movies.
the thing is Aaron, Backdraft was made back in the late 80's early 90's (brought to the big screem in 1991) and was all based on things Chicago firefighters did at that time. over the last 15-20 years companies started to switch over to wearing their "full ppe" because of the safety research. Before then, the "verteran" firefighters would laugh at them and call them pussys if they wore their ppe correctly. And thats why so many of them now have lung and health issues today. Backdraft, today, is more of a history lesson of the way things were done in the past. So yes, the characters didn't wear their turnouts correctly, but that was "real-life back then.

dang, i'm starting to sound like my old man...
you have a point, but you have to look deeper than that. Axe was revenging the deaths of the firefigters that were killed as a result of the alderman's plan of closing firehouses. so it needs to be asked...

was Axe a villan or a hero?

And as for ladder 49/ all other fire movies, can't we all agree that the fire was the villan
facing the giants...if you're talking about the high school team that finds God, i JUST watched that one. it was ok, but i'm not a christian, and i didn't know it was that kind of movie when i started watching it, so i was a little thrown off.

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