Just wondering.....didn't see anything about them anywhere on here.

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Aaaawwww, thank you Jeff!!
WC -

Any chance of winning a free FFN Crew t-shirt?
I'll work on that T-shirt thing for you Firecat!!
just as long as you don't have to pay them!

then will give you points.
I'm probably dating myself, but are they like S&H Green Stamps? You can collect all you want, but just try and find a place to redeem them!

And about those steak knives. Can I borrow one, I need to cut an anvil in half and then peel a tomato...
If thats the case Philly, we all are screwed. You (being such a ladies man) would collect all the points and the rest of us wouldn't ever be able to catch up :)
green stamps? Wow theres a voice of the past :):):)
Steak Knives? I could use a new set of steak knives
I'm with Cat, a t-shirt prize would be cool! Stay safe!
i thought the green stamps went out in the late sixtys early 70's lol

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