QUESTIONABLE TACTICS- Vehicle Fire: Josephine County, Oregon

FROM YOUTUBE: Inland Firefighters work on a vehicle fire on Jack Creek Road on Saturday June 26, 2010. Inland Fire Department is a private fire department with a single station in Merlin. They serve the North Valley area of Josephine County.

SEARCH on YOUTUBE FOR, "Vehicle Fire - Josephine County, Oregon" AND READ SOME OF THE COMMENTS. lutan1

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Comment by Robert Edmondson on July 30, 2011 at 5:48pm
ok wow what a mess the ff in the full gear should be the one who is fighting the fire not the guy in the brush gear if that was any of use we would be in some serious trouble. someone needs to have a talk with mister rambi with the 1 inch hose witch is not adicuiet for fighting vehicle fires by no means
Comment by Al Williams on July 9, 2011 at 6:25pm
Agree with Ward, what was he going to save? I'd be more concerned about the foliage next to the truck. Hose deployment needs work and a larger diameter. Forestry FF didn't seem to want to give the hose to the properly dressed FF.
Comment by Jordan Hawkins on July 6, 2011 at 10:50am
Yeah I see a few no no's that I would bring up in a fire critique. White hat dons a forestry coat not even zipped up no scba, and I may be wrong but that looks like a 1 in forestry line which in my dept is inadaquate for a car fire. That hose deployment needs some serious work also. Not sure if that white hat has practiced that in awhile. But I guess its the small things we get complaciant on. And the white hat had about 8 seconds of glory before there was a FF with gear and a scba on minus his suspenders werent up which gives me the hebejebies. I think the white hat was thinking it was going to turn into a grass fire but idk 8 seconds isn't going to burn much grass. But I could go on all day but its not my dept. Maybe a fellow officer could show him the video and see if he sees anything wrong going on. But no dept is perfect and these mistakes we can learn from to make better decesions for the next time.
Comment by WARD on July 6, 2011 at 10:26am
QUESTIONABLE TACTICS- You have a firefighter putting on full gear and mask, then a guy with a white hat, just a coat, runs up, grabs the hose and starts fighting the fire? Looks like he eats some smoke while trying to put it out. Truck was already a loss, what was the big hurry? In my FD, somebody would be in trouble for that move, without gear and mask.

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