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Comment by Jim Reaves on January 19, 2011 at 5:01pm
Comment by Jim Reaves on January 18, 2011 at 2:16pm
The NSI closing damn sure didn't help that's for sure!! Yeah, it has hit us quite a bit and add to that the downturn in the oilfield which also slows Kiewit down and that really tightens things up and of course shrinks our budget.

Haven't heard that we would be going to the Lex for anything like that but in that unlikely event, I sure will! thanks!
Comment by Michael Boyd on January 18, 2011 at 2:09pm
Thanks for the invite!
Holler at me if you and the gang do any TEEK training at the USS Lexington, I moonlight there a bit.
Did the NASIngleside closing hurt you guys any?

Stay safe.
Comment by Jim Reaves on January 18, 2011 at 2:05pm
It could have been read either way but I see your point and concur entirely. I'm across the bridge in Ingleside and no, I fortunately haven't had to drag anyone out or been hit as you described nor have I heard of anything from within our department either. You're also very on the mark about certain ones needing to get it together, I have seen evidence of that elsewhere...I'll leave it at that.

We do all we can to be as trained and up to date as possible, whether we go through TEEX or in-house and also via others in the area sharing with us and vice versa. Our line officers have no problem jerking someone back off of the front line if there's any hint of a safety concern plus each of us pretty much looks after one another.

Stay safe brother and remember you're always welcome to come over for a visit, we meet every Tuesday.
Comment by Michael Boyd on January 18, 2011 at 1:17pm
Jim, you must have not read the last half of my post.

"A couple of our neighboring volunteer departments worked the same way. But they have advanced lightyears from those times. Those guys hard just as hard and have sometimes better gear than our F/T department has.
God Bless our volunteers but, THIS BUNCH NEEDS TO GET THEIR SCHIT TOGETHER!!! "

I have nothing but respect for the volunteers who work hard and make to effort to learn the job. The guys I work with on a regular basis, Flour Bluff VFD, Nueces County District 4, kick serious azz. I'm proud to call Chief Dale Scott both a professional and personal friend. He has done a magnificent job for over 20 years. He's got guys working I'd trade for many in OUR department any day.
On the flip side, I have very little tolerance for unprepared, untrained, undisciplined, beligerent personnel on the fireground placing themselves, my crew, and the public in harm's way.

Jim, ever been hosed from the outside during an interior attack? ever had to drag a guy out because he neglected to make entry WITHOUT a SCBA? filed out casualty reports for no gloves/hood? how about the volunteers who left their toddlers in an idling vehicle while the husband wife team romped on the brush truck? I've got plenty of stories....

Once again, God Bless the volunteers who make the effort to prepare for the job. Doom on those who don't, and that goes for our paid guys TOO!
I regret if I came off too harsh on volunteers, I thought I'd narrowed my ire down to those who deserve it.
Comment by Ken 'TINY' Reeves on January 18, 2011 at 10:27am
Don't judge all Volunteers by what one VFD does. It's possible the adreniline rush was too much, and maybe this is the first structure they have had in 6 months to a year, no excuse but it does tend to override common sense sometimes.....look at law enforcement???
Comment by Jim Reaves on January 18, 2011 at 8:34am
Damn Michael, a little harsh over 14 seconds of video....there are FAR more VFDs out there than paid and the vast majority of us receive and utilize the most advanced training out there. Matter of fact, our Deputy Chief is on your department so he brings that knowledge and safety and instills that in those with our agency who aren't always as mindful as they should be. We're all in it together, brother, but unless we know the ENTIRE story of what was going on in Uvalde by someone who was there let's try not to criticize too harshly, whaddya say?
Comment by Michael Boyd on January 18, 2011 at 12:34am
I'm the last guy to do any "backseat" firefighting, but............
Who is the yahoo with the nozzle? and who are all the support folks on the ground by the ladder?
I'm guessing this is a volunteer group without decent training. Geebus. Sell some pies, throw down a BBQ, wash a few cars then get a copy of Gall's and buy some gear!
A couple of our neighboring volunteer departments worked the same way. But they have advanced lightyears from those times. Those guys hard just as hard and have sometimes better gear than our F/T department has.
Comment by Michael Paschal on January 17, 2011 at 6:46pm
Well the video is on youtube and I viewed some still photos. I saw one member on the roof with out ppe and one standing in the front door without ppe in a still photo. Wonder if the person in ppe had completed a search to take care of the civilian life hazard. Then the fire should be handled from a distance away from smoke since no ppe. (unmanned monitors) The citizens get what they pay for. I have read some other comments about grants, Good Idea, many government and private orginazitations offer money it's a tax wright off. By the way ventilation will not help control a fire when no interior attack is to take place. Perhaps the ppe guy was going to vent enter search and the other man was going to cover him with the hose line.
Comment by Jeremy Neal on January 17, 2011 at 6:10pm
chifs don't need gear.

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