My online presentation in supoort of volunteer firefighters being able to use a green courtesy light while responding to emergency calls on Nova Scotia roads and highways. As my presentation says it would not demand the right of way like red lights, but it would be a signal and a warning to other motorists that we are responding to a call for someone who needs help. Because right now there is no way to identify a responding firefighter from your everyday driver because we have no way of identifying ourselves.

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Comment by Robert V. Sweeney on July 27, 2009 at 7:16pm
I agree, but in Nova Scotia red and white are reserved for emergency vehicles, blue and red is strictly for police. That's why we're trying to get green. Plus we don't want each FF's POV to become an emergency vehicle, so we figured a courtesy light, at least it would let the public know we're on our way to an emergency.
Comment by Ben "Batman" Barry on July 26, 2009 at 8:05pm
in the US most states use blue for vol fire and green for vol ems. some states do let firefighters respond with red lights. in some areas curtosey lights do not do much.

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