FDNY 2-Alarm Fire at the Equitable Building in Lower Manhattan

We are in Lower Manhattan on Broadway, just adjacent to the Occupy Wall Street protests, where we see a 2 Alarm fire involved on the 28th floor of the Equitable Building, located at 120 Broadway. This fire broke out at around 5:30, and wasn't brought under control until around 7. I am uncertain as to how this fire started, but what made things even more fun was how someone decided to break out some of the windows on the 28th floor, making it rain glass, of which a small piece hit me in the shoulder. Don't worry, though. I was uninjured. At this point, we see all of the rigs that have responded. I am not going to list them all, but you can certainly read all of the companies for yourself. In all, including Squad 18, Rescue 1, Satellite 6, Borough Command, the MSU re-breather unit, a TSU Tactical Support Unit, High Rise 1, and a Field Communications Unit, there were no fewer than 8 or 9 engine companies, 8 or 9 ladder companies, 4 or 5 Battalion Chiefs, a couple of Division Chiefs, a Deputy Chief, and a Deputy Fire Commissioner. Some of the engine and ladder companies that assisted were actually from Brooklyn. The outcome was not too bad; minor damage, and only a couple of minor injuries. If you have any questions about the video, feel free to message me. Comments are welcome. The video was taken on October 21st, 2011.

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