I was the chief at the original fire in this building a few years ago. Fire on the 3rd floor in the middle of the night with one fatality. I think the video of it is still on You tube. Amazing that no restoration has taken place in all that time. You have to wonder if this building is all boarded up how it got going that well in broad daylight.
Just a problem of the area. As for the PASS alarm issue. The sound you hear is not a PASS alarm. CFD has a different sound to theirs. I don't know what that sound is but it is annoying none the less. You are right...silence unnecessary sounds on the fire scene
Great Video!!!!!! Great Job to the Chicago Fire Dept!!!!!
Comment by DALE G. PEKEL on August 5, 2010 at 2:17pm
Nice video - Great Fire Department, but can someone kill the P.A.S.S. device(s)! This happens at a lot of scenes (including ours), but we need to take any activated pass alarm seriously and not just brush it off as someone who doffed a pack and forgot to reset the device. If you hear an alarm - Investigate it and correct the problem. Otherwise we're just instilling a level of complacency that could come back to bight us later.
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