Ambulance Runs RED Light Accident Video

Watch is this ambulance crashes into a car that fails to yield to the ambulance. I also noted a certain point in the video where the passanger of the ambulance says "Red light Steve"... Luckily no one was seriously hurt.

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Comment by Brian Dumser on August 18, 2008 at 12:11pm
based on the video, the driver of the ambulance is clearly at fault! The light was RED, he failed to slow or even stop. There have been medics arrested and jailed for the same offense. Luckily no one was killed!
Comment by TexasFire on May 11, 2008 at 6:39pm
This is crazy. Are they aware of the right of way??...First of all...if you are going to a call I understand the hurry but in reality if you slow down at the intersections I promise you the patient is not going anywhere and it's going to wait for you. No need to run like crazy disregarding your's, your partner's and the public's safety. Last time I checked we were part of a Fire or EMS service, no NASCAR.
Comment by Jon on May 5, 2008 at 7:58pm
The ambulance "Driver" here has no more fault than the driver of the car. The problem here goes beyond what we see in the video. The problem is we have technology to aid in the prevention of this type of accident. Accident of course being the operative word. We all know that we have an obligation to drive with "Due Regard" for public safety but how is it that Administrators don't have an obligation to persue public safety with the same "Due Regard".
Comment by Adam Nato on May 5, 2008 at 12:34pm
The light is clearly red, shouldn't the driver of the ambulance be charged with failing to stop at a stop signal? You're suppose to stop, wait for it to be safe to proceed through the stop signal, and then proceed through the stop signal. Driver needs some driver training.

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