How to save a life

An EMT makes a video about his life in EMS. "In April, my certification as an AEMT-CC will expire and I will not refresh. There is only a certain amount that one can take before the love for the job is replaced by hate. It is at this point that you need to leave before it completely consumes who you use to be. Its a problem called burn out. This video will give you a general idea of what a Medic and EMT live through and the thoughts that they have going into every shift. The end gives hope from way one gets into this job in the first place and why they must now leave. None of the patient's shown were mine, they were extracted from news sites and completely legal. I was a medic, and I work for beth for 9/11 I was never there but it is something u and i fear on a daily basis"

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Comment by tamara on February 19, 2008 at 1:51pm
I found this video on Paramedic TV...although it isn't about me at times I am sure we have all come close to this point...
safety to you all
Comment by Rob Fritsche on February 19, 2008 at 1:40pm
great video
Comment by Benjamin on February 19, 2008 at 1:29pm
at a time like that i'm sure there's a very hard crossroad that you have to face. you can only give so much of yourself to something you love, if you do get to that point where it does consume you then I commend you in making the tough decision and getting out. Take care of yourself.

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