I get the chills and tears pour down my face when I see this video. Is it not a wonderful thing how everyone comes together as a team, puts there personal issues aside and comes together to help those in need. WOW! I wish the rest of the world could grasp this concept.

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Comment by Bob on November 5, 2008 at 10:50pm
You are right, there is so much more to the job than what is seen on the news. The truth lies in the hearts of the men and women that dedicate their lives so others may live. This my friend is the hardest thing to get across to the new person on the job, and the thing that will make or break their carreer in EMS. Stay safe.
Comment by Dina Lynn on October 20, 2008 at 12:59am
Cathy, thank you for sharing your heart. You know people see this job for the amount of money and benefits they can receive, some people, not all. The benefit it has to me is when the sick and injured are taking care of in the pre-hospital setting. I feel like the richest person when I can be a part of a team helping lives.
Comment by Cathy Shipley on October 18, 2008 at 12:53pm
Girlfriend, you are so right..it will be a very hard challenge to get the rest of the world to be the way we are, my point being that some of our own have the cocky attitudes as being better then their neighbor EMS or FD's..I've always been vocal about making a point...I never cared what color ambulance you are in, what FD you come from..If I need help, I want help now..not someone fighting over territory rights, or a service that thinks they are too good to help my service..we still have that crap here where I live and its high time that ends!!! Then we can move toward changing the world..thanks< Cathy

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