Interstate 81

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Comment by Ricky Dale Maddox on September 17, 2008 at 8:13am
Hey Ben I wasnt tryn to down size the dept on useing the deck gun , I was only concerned about the water supply, I have seen a deck gun used and without the proper water supply I have seen the trucks run out of water , that is the only reason I was wondering , no harm to the dept who made this video.... I wouldnt dare use a deck gun with only 500 gallons of water in it unless I had a positive water supply or a back up engine or a tanker truck ......
Comment by Berk on September 15, 2008 at 1:02am
justin thanks for the comment We fingd this works really good for us have a safe one
Comment by Justin Buck on September 15, 2008 at 12:48am
we have a deck gun on our truck we use on house and big rig fires. we have never used it on a car fire i guess we need to try that. thanks for sharen the video with us
Comment by Berk on September 15, 2008 at 12:43am
hey rick thaks for the questions and comments to answer your questions we carry 1000 gallons of water on both our engines, which we had both of them at the scenr plus a tanker from a mutaul aid unit, which we were mutaul aidiing to. we have a policy that on any car fire that is going like this one, we use half of our tank to knock down the fire, then move in with the hand line. This fire had a good head start on us as we were about 18 miles away. by doing this we find that its knocks the fire down enough to safetly move in with or hand lines, plus we know if we other units coming or not. we used or deck gun and then moved in with our hand line and had the fire out with just one tank , so we were pretty lucky. thanks on your comment about our engine we have two of them. hope i answered your question well enough anymore be happy to try to answer them......
Comment by Ben Waller on September 14, 2008 at 3:10pm
14 seconds with the deck pipe won't exhaust even a 500-gallon booster tank.

If there's no rescue problem, why mess around with a hand line - just blast it with the deck pipe. That reduces the hazards to firefighters who don't have to get up close and personal with the fire.

I like this - it's out of the box thinking, and it works.
Comment by Ricky Dale Maddox on September 13, 2008 at 9:33pm
Wow I like the deck gun operation on this , how many gallons of water you guys carry on that thing?? For you guys to use a deck gun was there hazmat involed in this?? Also did you have a positive water supply?? We would have ran out o water in our tank if we had tried this with a deck gun and we even carry 1,000 gallons o water on board .... Did you run out of water??? I think I would have just went with the 11/2 or 13/4 inch handline , unless there was hazmat or ammo , etc involed in it.. But at least ya got a knock down,, also buy the way nice engine..

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