2 Houston Fire Trucks Collide 11 Injured

Monday, March 30th: HOUSTON — Eleven people, including nine firefighters, were injured Monday when two fire trucks responding to a call collided, officials said. The fire trucks were responding to a report of an apartment fire when they collided at an intersection as one vehicle was going west and the other was going north, said Houston District Fire Chief Tommy Dowdy. The force of the collision flipped one of the truck's onto a vehicle at the intersection. Dowdy said two of the firefighters were severely injured and remain hospitalized. The other seven firefighters were treated at local hospitals and released. A woman on a bicycle who was hit by one of the trucks was in critical condition at Memorial Hermann Hospital. The driver of the vehicle was also injured. Fire department officials later determined the apartment fire the two trucks were responding to was a false alarm. The cause of the accident is still being investigated.

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Comment by Nick Levi on April 2, 2009 at 8:14am
We can not help people if we don't make it there,drive like you got some sense. I agree with Kevin sounds like this is happening to often.
Comment by Ricky Dale Maddox on April 1, 2009 at 6:50am
Okay one thing here , driver training slow down stop at intersections does not matter if it is a green light or not , stop!!!!! Play it safe!! Looks like if theses two trucks had stopped at the intersection it would there would not have been a wreck!! No call is worth the lives of the public or the lives of firefighters some things or meant to burn down no matter how hard we try , you have to realize that dont risk lives!! Also if you dont where the other units or at when it comes to intersections get on that radio and ask its what it is there for !! It is stupid not to use them!! Lokks driver training needs to be doen again , I dont care how many times a person has to go through it , in the long run it pays off!!

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