Alicia Anne
  • Female
  • Midlothian, VA
  • United States
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Alicia Anne's Friends

  • carlyn horton
  • Brian Cohen
  • Aaron Metzger
  • Joey Sendra
  • Sarah
  • Rachel
  • Mark W Avera
  • Mark Fuqua
  • Chad Gunter
  • duane ledford
  • matt
  • fernando carvalheira alves
  • Jim Mayer
  • Capt.Jocelyn  Chiasson

Alicia Anne's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Just starting out
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
just starting out
About Me:
I'm an adventurous gal who has always wanted to work in a rescue profession. Out of high school I wanted to join the Coast Guard and be a rescue swimmer, or a firefighter, or join a search and rescue team. Instead, I got talked into going to college (you're welcome, Mom & Dad. ha). I graduated in 2004, got married, had 2 wonderful boys, and am now embarking on a career in firefighting.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I do a lot of things in the outdoors, so the idea of working inside at a 9-5 job scares the *you know what* outta me. Running into a burning building...not so much. ha

All the jobs I've had have been physically demanding jobs, where I get to do what I love (whitewater raft guide, rock climbing instructor, tree climbing instructor, cave guide, teambuilding facilitator, etc) So when choosing a career, why would I choose anything other than a job in which I can do what I love, help others AND get paid for it? Granted, the pay isn't much, but I'd rather have a little, and do what I love, than have a lot and despise going to work everyday.

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Comment Wall (17 comments)

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At 8:43pm on January 13, 2014, james santaw said…
hi Alicia would u concider adding me as a friend thank you james
At 9:15am on February 4, 2011, Timothy said…
I thought I was adventurous, I need to get out more!
At 11:19pm on January 26, 2011, Mark Fuqua said…
At 9:16pm on January 25, 2011, Mick Mayers said…

Welcome to the Nation. If you are interested in deep discussion on fire and emergency service leadership, I encourage you to check out my blog, Firehouse Zen. It came as a spinoff from this site and is one of the founding blogs of the FireEMSBlogs network.

We don't do news or rhetoric. It's all about enlightened leadership. Come check us out and while you are at it, if you happen to be on Facebook, come on over and "like" us on Facebook as well.

Stay safe,

Mick Mayers
Firehouse Zen
At 10:06pm on January 23, 2011, Mark Fuqua said…
Hey Alicia, I like your photo that you added "AQUACHIC AVATAR"
At 8:57pm on January 23, 2011, Rachel said…
Good luck!!!! I am sure you will be an AWESOME firefighter!!!!
At 11:55am on January 23, 2011, Mark Fuqua said…
Hey Alicia, Thanks for having me as a friend. Good luck on your new job. Looking at your photos i thank that you will be "OK" Looks like you have a lot of fun. STAY SAFE KEEP IN TOUCH.
At 6:41am on January 23, 2011, Capt.Jocelyn Chiasson said…
Well said Alicia !! :0)
At 12:24am on January 23, 2011, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
Alicia, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.

Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon
At 8:14pm on January 22, 2011, Roger Waters said…
Welcome to Firefighter Nation Alicia

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