The Firenurse GroupGroupThe Firenurse Group3 Likes
November 2013
55 TRUCKMember55 TRUCK2 Likes
May 2013
Female FirefightersGroupFemale Firefighters8 LikesSocial Relationships with other Members?Hey gals, I have another question to pose to you. How do you get along with the guys on your dept in social situations, such as going out on the weekends, or grabbing some beers after a late call? Pa…DiscussionSocial Relationships with other Members?1 Like
January 2013
Firehouse CookbookGroupFirehouse Cookbook8 Likes
July 2012
Paramedic EducationI am currently enrolled at the Florida State Fire College in Ocala, FL. I am researching schools to do the Paramedic portion. When new hires are being considered, is there a school that stands out? I…DiscussionParamedic Education1 LikePROBIES! what was your first year like?To all the PROBIES what was your first year like? What did you learn? What can u pass on to the next PROBIES... DiscussionPROBIES! what was your first year like?1 Likebootsdoes anyone still use the old ranger rubber boots?Discussionboots1 Like
October 2011
1st Paid Department in The area now known… You"ll hear a couple versions of this story too..... but When was the first fire department organized in the United States? A large fire in Boston in 1679 led to the organization of…Discussion1st Paid Department in The area now known…4 LikesrehabHello, not sure if this is where this goes but.... I was curious about how many departments out there have a dedicated rehab team. Our department has a rehab team of 16, we have two units..a air supp…Discussionrehab4 Likes