BRFR2286photoBRFR22861 LikeME EphotoME E1 Like20130705_205206photo20130705_2052061 Likerp 609 1949 2286photorp 609 1949 22861 LikeBeaver creek fire tornado 2photoBeaver creek fire tornado 21 LikeJERMAINEMemberJERMAINE1 LikeANTIQUEphotoANTIQUE1 LikeBLACK AND WHITEphotoBLACK AND WHITE1 LikeFIRE DEPTphotoFIRE DEPT1 LikeBIG JOHNphotoBIG JOHN1 Likerocco stolfiMemberrocco stolfi2 LikesJill Peck VonaMemberJill Peck Vona1 LikeFarrah GosfordMemberFarrah Gosford1 LikeCan a 2 1/2" hose be used as a hand line for…When I first started in the fire department we had two types of hand lines 1 1/2" and 2 1/2". We were taught that when you attack a fire that you always take your first line in, backed up by a 2nd li…DiscussionCan a 2 1/2" hose be used as a hand line for…4 LikesCarol LeaseMemberCarol Lease1 LikeLynn MihalichMemberLynn Mihalich3 LikesSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIREphotoSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIRE1 LikeSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIREphotoSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIRE1 LikeSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIREphotoSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIRE1 LikeSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIREphotoSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIRE1 LikeSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIREphotoSUNDAY NIGHT BOWLING ALLEY FIRE1 Like