saving a catphotosaving a cat1 Likefirephotofire1 Likefirephotofire1 LikeHeatherMemberHeather3 LikesMoment of reflectionphotoMoment of reflection1 LikeAviano BK FirephotoAviano BK Fire1 LikeOn top of the worldphotoOn top of the world1 LikeAF Ball 2012photoAF Ball 20121 LikeAnother reason to change your smoke detector…Working in a four story condo complex. Since this building is on the shores of the Pacific it has been 'converted" to mostly short and long term rentals.
Tenant calls the owner saying his smoke dete…DiscussionAnother reason to change your smoke detector…2 LikesManlius E3photoManlius E31 LikeSQ995photoSQ9951 LikeJust a rant about our Emergency Weather Warn… We live in a small community of 1900+ citizens. Before I joined, my chief along with other members of the department, went before the city council to warn them that the EWWS's back up generator…DiscussionJust a rant about our Emergency Weather Warn…2 LikesLooking in the MirrorphotoLooking in the Mirror1 LikeTanker 25photoTanker 252 LikesJulie DammannMemberJulie Dammann1 LikeLisa J BildeauxMemberLisa J Bildeaux2 LikesWaitin on waterphotoWaitin on water1 LikeJust a cool picphotoJust a cool pic2 LikesMe L-22photoMe L-221 LikeSHINY!photoSHINY!1 LikeJust liked the lookphotoJust liked the look1 Like