AVI LAP's Comments

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At 11:35am on October 14, 2008, Emergency Services HQ said…

Police Officer Nation is now online please spread the word. police officers and law enforcement supporters welcome

Police Officer Nation
At 11:28am on August 20, 2008, Donna said…
At 6:25am on August 20, 2008, FireCat said…
At 12:51am on June 5, 2008, Josh said…
alrite i will do that thank you for the invitation
At 8:23am on June 2, 2008, Rev. Ken said…
Thanks for the invite, I will definately check it out.
At 8:25pm on May 26, 2008, Patty said…
Thanks for adding me to your friends list.
At 5:59pm on May 24, 2008, SLIM said…
At 2:56pm on May 3, 2008, Chad Lawson said…
if you cant stand the heat, become a policeman !!! lol how you doing meow ?
At 10:19pm on April 28, 2008, Jim Legington said…

How are You today my Friend? You will find a real kool
tool at our Blog Post on April 25, 2008. Google Me - the
Movie was just released on April 25, 2008. This really
could be one as the great thing like Twitter.com
This time it's as good as it gets to compare with the
impact of email these days. See our Blog Here.
You can find me on Twitter as VisionSphere.

Be Blessed always...Peace!
Jim Legington
At 3:55pm on April 13, 2008, susan said…
At 11:42am on April 10, 2008, Debby said…
How are You? Nice to hear from you. Wish you were closer I would love to run and get a cup of coffee with you.
Have a wonderful day!
At 11:19am on March 20, 2008, Debby said…
Hi There;
How is your day going? How come all the cute guys live half way around the world from me?
Ah well, have a wonderful day and keep in touch.
At 12:17pm on March 13, 2008, susan said…
At 10:51pm on March 12, 2008, GARY said…
At 12:32pm on March 10, 2008, susan said…
stopping by
At 12:42am on March 7, 2008, jeff french said…
hey man how r u doin
At 4:01pm on March 6, 2008, Jim Legington said…

Just wanted to say hello and I did get Your note. Sorry
that I just automatically thoughts You were speaking
of FaceBook. I'm going to point my browser that way just
as soon as we leave this place today. Gotta give it a
peak. Be Blessed always...Peace!
At 11:04am on March 6, 2008, susan said…
Texas Thanks
At 8:47pm on March 3, 2008, SLIM said…
At 8:39pm on March 3, 2008, Jim Legington said…
Thanks AVI LAP,
Really appreciate Your sharing and when I'm over at my
facebook again will check it out. Be Blessed always...Peace!

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