Robert J. Haig's Comments

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At 10:10pm on October 5, 2008, Stelzer III said…
I will take your advise on the log. I have ran a few really good/bad calls and would like to remember placement, rescue techs, ect...
At 10:06pm on October 5, 2008, Stelzer III said…
I have tried to be avil for every class that comes about.. we firefighters need to be ready for all responses... Plus the classes are a fun way to learn, you can stop, adjust your mistakes and review before moving on.
At 11:36pm on October 1, 2008, Stelzer III said…
Its good to see other Mi ff's on here... Great stories
At 8:59am on February 8, 2008, Fire Engineering said…
Robert, our '08 show is already booked, but you can try contacting Lila at for FDIC 2009.
At 6:50pm on January 25, 2008, Thomas Hart said…
Yep....I was his aide for a while, could tell you lots of stories.... on another to write up one on Moe ( used to play moe at times, had a costume, mask and all, just haven't taken the time lately to put it all down on the (one of) the best Moe Stories
At 2:34pm on January 25, 2008, cliff thurlow said…
that name dosen't ring a bell,we walked 30 days after 9 11 there were 12 guys from farmington hills FD ck my web site it tells part of the story.

At 11:31am on January 25, 2008, Thomas Hart said…
Bob: A dog story about "King" from Engine 17. I got the dog from a friend of mine from Melvindale who kept him chained up in back of his print shop. He knew the dog needed more freedom than that. Took him to 17's on my day off, intro'd him to all the guys, walked him around his area etc. Left him there after a few hours. Wondered how long it would take him to acclamate himself there. Went on Duty the next morning and the dog seemed fine, very friendly to all the gus, no barking etc. While having coffee in the kitchen we hear this feroucious barking out by the watch desk. I go running out to find a guy from Burroughs who stepped inside to use our payphone backed up to the wall with King holding him there, knowing he was not like the rest of the guys. I found that to be incredible, less than 24 hours and he knew who belonged. Chief Marcina Taylor was the 4th Battalion Chief then and he did not trust the dog too well. One night the dog was barking in the middle of the night and the Chief hollored down to shut that damn dog up and that he would personally get rid of him in the morning. The guy hollered up to the Chief: "He's trying to get out to go after the 2 guys trying to break into your car, should I keep him in or let him out?". The bad guys hearing all the commotion took off, but in the AM, the Chief sure was singing the praises of King as to what a great dog he was. Tom
At 7:14pm on January 11, 2008, Oldman said…
I sure hope you took no offense in my question. I thought something drastic had changed. I looked at the project website, and I wish I lived closer. I would be there tomorrow to lend a hand on that beautiful project. I cannot wait to see it finished. What a tribute that will be. Those guys are doing us all proud. Thanks
At 9:56am on January 1, 2008, Jeff Betz said…
Hi Robert, I am down here in Adrian as a career guy. I have an ex-student from fire class at DFD. Also had Jeff McCall down here to talk to the kids a few years ago. I am a big fire history guy (do all my dept info), so I guess I will be buying your book. Have a great new year, look forward to talking with you.
At 4:40pm on December 18, 2007, Jim aka Bick said…
At 9:20am on December 18, 2007, Thomas Hart said…
Welcme aboard Bob. I know you will love being a member of Fire Fighter Nation. Let me also put in a plug for your book: "Fire Horses" Great read. Every member of the fire service should read it.

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