Scott J. Hiner's Comments

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At 1:02pm on March 18, 2009, pfd824 said…
It is great know it has warmed up.But it is really dry here and the brush fires have been all over.And I know that it has not been as cold as up there!
At 11:13pm on November 27, 2008, The Outlaw Firefighter said…
Are you still out there ?????? What have you been doing ??????
At 5:29am on November 26, 2008, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hey brother hows things i have just started collecting fd hats and was wondering if you could send me a fd hat of yours and i will send you back a hat stay safe brother

rob elliott
8 scobie crescent
bellambi nsw 2518
At 6:35pm on August 20, 2008, Chad King said…
Thank you for your service to our great nation. Keep up the good work. Factory life can be a drag sometimes too. I know I've been in and out of factory work for 15 yrs.
At 1:50am on July 13, 2008, Mary T. McElroy said…
thanks for your service to this country!
At 10:47pm on March 16, 2008, Nick Morgan said…
Hey brother! I'm a former USAF ARFF firefighter too! Stay safe!
At 10:41pm on March 16, 2008, Ricky Woronka said…
Love the pic w/that MACI.....Can't really say I miss using that thing...:)
Stay Safe and Keep your Head Down
At 11:28am on February 27, 2008, Scott J. Hiner said…
Just wanted to say Hi to all my Brother and Sister out their and my fellow Military Brothers and Sister You all Stay safe.
At 11:02pm on February 23, 2008, Roxxygirl said…
Hi and thanks for the add!

Hope you're having a great weekend!
At 3:49pm on February 23, 2008, Joe Guzman said…
Hi scott,
like to no if you can add me to your friends list also. you added my better 1/2 to it. we both work together in the dept. it's kind of hard working together espeacily when your her LT. lol well you take care and please be safe out there.
At 3:40pm on February 23, 2008, Firegal77 said…
Thanks for the add..Hope all is well with you!
At 3:05pm on February 23, 2008, Marie said…
thanks for the add! how're you doing today?

stay safe,
At 9:30pm on September 22, 2007, Bruce Fullenlove said…
Scott, just stopping by to see how you and the mrs are doing. Things here are about the same. Stay safe my friend, see you on the big one.....
At 10:19pm on September 17, 2007, pfd824 said…
I just found this sight couple days ago. Are towns are not to far a part. In fact I used to run a lot of amb runs in your area, or just a little south.
At 10:41pm on August 17, 2007, Randy Macey said…
Very cool truck.... I have not yet had the chance to be or drive one yet. But very cool....

At 11:13am on July 30, 2007, Scott J. Hiner said…
Well as soon the wife and I can arrange things between are work will be down their to visit. and you aren't going anywere you said that last year and look your still their. HEHEHEHHEHE later
At 9:17am on July 30, 2007, Timothy S. Delehanty said…
How's life been treating you? Hope all is well with you. When are you going to bring the wife up for a visit? Remember, you only have until 9 December, 2009. Then I WILL BE GONE.
At 1:15am on July 30, 2007, Scott J. Hiner said…
Just want to say HI to all my brother's at WALTER REED ARMY MEDICAL CENTER FIRE DEPT. Miss you all and say safe.
At 10:32pm on July 28, 2007, Timothy S. Delehanty said…
At 10:56pm on July 27, 2007, Bryon said…
I like the # onthe side of the truck. 59 was the # of my old station in NY. Ladder 59 Rhinebeck. Like the maxwellhouse coffee commercial. That was us!

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