Kasey's Comments

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At 1:10pm on April 20, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Kasey,
I gotta admit, I don't know any of those bands.....guess I am a little old for that? I like rock 'n roll like The Rolling Stones, Leonard Skynard, Beatles etc etc. I am also glad to hear that it went OK...no trouble! You sound like a very good friend to have. You went just because it was her b-day? There are not a lot of people like you in this world. I hope she knows how lucky she is to have a friend like you! Stay safe and keep smiling Kasey!

At 11:45am on April 18, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hello Kasey!

Who is the artist at the concert? Is Cameron in a big hurry to see the concert...tell her it is best to arrive alive!!! Happy Birthday to her! You are fortunate to have gotten a nice officer, he could have been mean. No chocolate??? I guess your dad is right...a car, a radio...etc etc sounds pretty good for an Easter present. Keep smiling Kasey!!!

P.S. Let me know how the concert went.
At 4:22pm on April 16, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Kasey! I have only been involved in a few riot calls, I am not good with big crowds when they are out of hand! Glad to hear that you are re-certified. We must do that every six months but now I am a CPR instructor and only need do it every two years. Easter was great, yours? Did you get a lot of chocolate? I am also glad to hear that the woman is being treated in a major hospital, I hope she recovers soon. Not much else to report on. Going for a walk!!! The sun is shining and the air is warm!!! What a nice change from the bloody cold winter. Stay safe and keep smiling!!!

At 12:44pm on April 14, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
hey hey got your patch, lookin good. stay safe out there
At 6:42pm on April 10, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
What are friends for if we can't make each other smile? The good thing about heartache is that it will not last too long. The call you got sounds like esophageal cancer or stomach. Was there a lot of bright red blood or was it brownish? Bright red is the esophagus, brownish is the stomach or bowel. The elderly most likely contract stomach or bowel cancer. Interesting stuff but it smells like hell!!! We did a call for a major riot last night outside a nightclub. There were at least 300 people fighting and taunting the police. The riot squad was called in and it took about 2 and half hours to disburse the crowd. We treated three fight related injuries, mostly stitches and teeth. Right after that call, we got another one with the police for a guy who was suicidal and wanted to go out by "death by cop" he was very aggresive and told the police to shoot him or he would kill one of us. It took four of us to wrestle the guy to the ground to cuff him. He was like a bronco gone wild! I was able to subdue him with a jaw hold maneuver that really hurts. I learned it in the forces years ago.....still works today! I am off for the Easter week-end and am grateful for the break!
Happy Easter to you and your family, I hope you get lots of chocolate eggs!!! Stay safe Casey and keep smiling...you are a star!!!

At 2:43pm on April 8, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Sorry to hear you are feeling sad but my advice is to keep on smiling, you will see the sun come out again. I still think you are star material!!! Stay safe.

At 6:37pm on April 7, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
sweet, ill send it out first thing tomorrow, heres my info
Gabe Alvarez
3623 N. 106th Drive
Avondale, Az
At 10:23am on April 7, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
I understand the law is quite different between the US and Canada. We can decide if the patient is viable or not. In most cases if the patient has been "down" for more than six minutes, irreversible brain damage has occured and therefore the patient would be considered "brain dead". DNR papers certainly help if there are questionable situations but for the most part, we decide what to do.
I think that most fires here are not billed but I do know that if arson is suspected, they will chase the guilty parties down and bill them. 800 acres.....man, that's alot of field!!! Some people never learn.
I am sorry to hear that you are no longer going out, but glad to hear that it ended amicably. You know how some relationships end...never speak to each other again......in any case, I hope he straightens things out and you can resume your relationship. So, did he get a star named after you? You sound like a star to me!! Take care Kasey and please stay safe!

At 8:06am on April 6, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Good morning Kasey!
The families always get upset when we stop too but they really need to face reality, I believe it helps the healing process. I do not wish to be recusitated if I am only going to be brain dead in the end. I told my wife....I am a DNR in that situation.
When a person causes fires like that guy did, does he get a bill from the FD?
The temperature reaches into the 90's here in the summer...if I didn't have a pool, I don't know what I would do!!! Have a good day and stay safe!!

P.S. How is your relationship going?
At 1:39pm on April 4, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
hey interested in trading patches? please let me know if your interested. stay safe .
At 12:18am on April 2, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Kasey!
I am happy for you and hope the relationship works out. I am also happy for Peyton that she got the school she wanted to go to, even if it means a longer drive, seeing her will be worth it right? Wow, sounds like you have been busy with calls too. When we get a call for a cancer patient in arrest and the family tells us they don't want recusisitation, we stop right there! The documents are not necessary but if there is no other family members there or they insist, we proceed with manuvers. I haven't really done anything too exciting lately. We have been busier than a one legged man in an ass-kicking contest though! Normally, we get about six or seven calls per shift and lately we are getting more like ten or twelve. We are also running all over the city, so response time gets longer. The snow is pretty much all gone and we are getting a lot of rain. I can see little shoots coming up in the garden and I am so happy!! I can't wait to open the pool...maybe in the beginning of May. Take care and keep smiling!!!

At 11:43am on March 24, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Kasey,
I am happy to know that he wasn't screaming! I loved ladder 49 and I even got a patch from the movie company, it is the same as the Baltimore FD except that it has "Touchstone Pictures" written at the bottom and "Ladder 49" across the top. I never saw "Fireproof" but I will rent it and check it out. How is the weather these days? It is getting much better here. The snow is almost all melted and I wear shorts and running shoes when I go out for my walk. Hope you are having a great day!! Stay safe.

At 10:52am on March 19, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Good morning Kasey!
I hope he wasn't really screaming? That's scary...if he insisted, that's OK but not screaming. It sounds like we like the same kind of movies. I really enjoy drama and action films like ladder 49. I even got a patch from touchstone pictures from that movie. I think that a guy who is secure in who he is and if he is touch with his emotions, will like any kind of movie. Good luck with university. I hope the sun keeps shining for you!! Stay safe my friend.

At 9:26pm on March 18, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hi Kasey,
The weather here has been great! I went for my walk today wearing shorts. The snow is melting and there is nothing in the forecast for the next week.
I am glad to hear that you are happy with you new {possible} boyfriend. He sounds like a nice guy. Was there a bomb in Walmart? What kind of movies do you enjoy? When you went to Applebees who paid for the meal? If he paid, then something certainly may happen. I'll be thinking of you. Take care and be safe.

At 1:49pm on March 8, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
I wish it would all be gone here too! The weather is much nicer though and I think we are seeing the begining of the end...? I am happy for you that you have met a nice guy and I hope it works out. If he is talking about God, he must be a good guy. How did the date go? Stay safe!

At 2:47am on March 4, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Imagine if we closed the schools every time it snowed....they would be closed all winter long!
Holy smokes....he said he was going to kill himself? I would council you to be careful with a person like that, he is very manipulative and is just trying to force you to do what he wants you to do by making you feel sorry for him. These kinds of people are dangerous Kasey. I studied profiling of psychitric behaviour for two years and this guy is a classic manipulator. Don't you find it weird that he asked Ed out 6 days later? That was to make you jealous. All this crap about "I won't hang out with you because your friends with them", is just a way to get you to do as they want. You are better off without a guy like that around you. You sound like an intelligent person and can do far better than this kind of guy. In any case, watch your back. I hope you enjoy the rest of spring break and get the chance to go sliding again! Build a snow-woman....everybody always builds a snow-man. Take care Kasy!

At 3:16pm on March 3, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hey Kasey!

8 inches? Wow...we usually get between 12 and 15 inches when it snows here. I am glad that you enjoyed sledding with your friends. You sound like an easy going person. I mean sledding with you ex and it doesn't bother you? Good for you for not having issues with that. I hope your friend decides what he wants from life because he sounds mixed up about who he is.
Enjoy the time off that you have, it goes by fast! I just finished painting the kitchen ceiling and pantry and am resting. I have not started the bedroom yet but I will this week. I also have to get busy installing the hard wood flooring in my dining room, hallway and all three bedrooms.....now that's a job! Keep smiling Kasey!! Stay safe.

At 1:11pm on March 3, 2009, Robert said…
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At 1:23am on March 2, 2009, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Well, I guess that you must be happy about that right? We are supposed to get a little of that white garbage tomorrow too. Funny, I am on vacation this week because it is spring break and I am supposed to re-model my daughters bedroom. Some vacation...
Strange about the gay guy, unless he is bi? You know, like he is attracted to both sides? Oh well, hopefully he will decide what he wants from life. I hope you are planning to have some fun and relax a bit during spring break? What a drag that just when the schools get closed because of snow...you are already off!!! Hey go sliding or skiing....take care Kasey!!

At 12:08am on March 2, 2009, N.Y fire fighter Lt. #503 said…
Hello, the reason i'm sending you this comment , I am preaching to young kids about wearing your seat belts. It only takes a second for your life to change . Be safe , Lt Chris

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