Scooter69's Comments

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At 4:11am on October 31, 2008, Chad Lawson said…
no, they killed my cat !!!!!!! jerks
At 8:48pm on August 23, 2008, Justin Buck said…
thanks for the add. Stay Safe
At 9:18am on June 22, 2008, Tim Meckler # 575 said…
hope your weekend is great scooter69
At 6:11pm on June 5, 2008, candy said…
All Is well my way!!!
Just trying to stay cool in the HEAT!!!
How Are U?
At 3:07pm on June 2, 2008, candy said…
Stay Safe!!
At 4:16pm on May 25, 2008, Pam Parker said…
At 10:17am on May 21, 2008, Christine said…
thank you for the comment. i know eventually i'll be okay but right now it just seems like i'll never be......
At 1:49pm on May 18, 2008, Chad Lawson said…
ha ha, u sux and ur driver suxs and he is gong to crash and BURN!!!!
seen him floating in the pool, he reminds m of on of my STOOLS!!!
: }
At 3:22am on May 18, 2008, Chad Lawson said…
ok, it is 2 oclock and i am awake, ugh...fell asleep about 9...have 2 work double today..god i hate not being able to sleep good anymore.....
At 3:46pm on May 14, 2008, Chad Lawson said…
bald nuts :}
At 12:22am on May 14, 2008, Chad Lawson said…
low and to the left
At 12:48am on May 13, 2008, Chad Lawson said…
do u have yahoo im ?
At 1:58am on May 9, 2008, Chad Lawson said…
wheres the love ?
At 10:19am on May 8, 2008, Ryan Boots said…
First of all Chuck was never my supervisior. And I stood next to him with the union stuff. And in case pepole forgot to tell you I'm the one who got his job back when he got suspeneded during the union stuff. So get your facts right. I didn't know who wrote that stuff he got fired for untill he told me almost 8 months later...
At 4:34pm on May 7, 2008, Ryan Boots said…
cris I am just trying to tell chuck it is not my fault and not to be shitty towards me. I miss working with him and he needs to redirect his anger to something else not the people tat care about hi and his family. I mean relly who still calls him and asks how's he doing and lets him know about jobs?
I do... so does this mean I pissed on, but I can only take the negitivity towards me for so long. Chuck is a great guy, dad, and so on. But, right now I think he has me confused with the enemy.
At 1:40am on May 4, 2008, shannon said…
we working on that one....already in the process to be politically correct
At 1:19am on May 4, 2008, shannon said…
i dont sleep at work...and i joined the good fight
At 1:01am on May 4, 2008, shannon said…
hey scooter...keep up the slam on you know who!!!
At 10:08pm on May 2, 2008, Pam Parker said…
Hey scooter haven't heard from in awhile how's things going out. Hope all is well...Take care girl
At 7:35am on May 2, 2008, Julie said…
yea i been there a few times it's pretty by the lake and great fishin

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