Daniel Robert Garvin's Comments

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At 2:33pm on December 30, 2008, Kasey said…
Haha, i'd love to have your snow. Its been like 70 here the past couple days, which has been nice cause I could wash the vehicles, but I still want snow.
I got a month off from school, but I had to work christmas eve. I had the day after christmas off.
At 12:23pm on December 27, 2008, scott wagle said…
hi dan i have one patch left i would love to do a trade
At 5:35pm on December 26, 2008, Floyd Aldridge Jr said…
I had computer problems but am back up and running good now!!
At 8:46am on December 26, 2008, Chan Rivera said…
hi same too you "Chan"
At 12:38am on December 24, 2008, Jonathan Spencer said…
Hi Daniel, It wanted in these so special days, to give the thanks for all it received, to build a place where can be with all my family and friends, those of fence and the from a distance. The ones that have accompanied me always and the of now. Those that I see each day and the ones that seldom Find. The ones that have accompanied me in the difficult moments, and the of the happy hours. Those to whom I know deeply, and those to whom I know barely by their appearances. To the ones that without wanting I wounded and the ones that without wanting they wounded me. The ones that owe me and those to whom I owe them a lot. The same old they recalled, and the ones that at times are forgot me. You want to recall to all the ones that passed through my life and to desire them some happy festivals, that can find the peace that need and to enjoy the love of their families and of those that love them. That the Hope, The Love and the Peace Flourish for all You…

At 8:43pm on December 23, 2008, PJ said…
Daniel, Please email me so I can get your email address. I need to ask you a question. Thanks, Patrick
At 6:46pm on December 23, 2008, tito said…
Daniel sent me one of the loveliest Christmas message "the world depends on their skills," I want to wish you and those you love a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year. Bye! a big hug
At 6:06am on December 23, 2008, GHOSTMAN said…
Your patch is in the mail! Let me know when you get it! Enjoy the holidays & stay safe! Ghostman
At 2:47pm on December 17, 2008, kata said…
Dear Daniel! Thank you the condolence, a dear from you.
Big space was left after my daddy and now a little bit heavier, because the first Christmas of my life will be without my daddy.
It consoles, how I know it, does not suffer and happy there in the heaven.
Thanks and God bless you.
At 5:50am on December 16, 2008, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hey brother sorry we have been busy with rescue calls sending a patch your way monday stay safe
At 5:50am on December 16, 2008, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hey brother sorry we have been busy with rescue calls sending a patch your way monday stay safe
At 12:22pm on December 14, 2008, Kasey said…
She might have, theres really no way for us to tell. We just assumed she was overly drunk. The police gave her a choice of going to the hospital or jail, and I think she chose the hospital but I can't remember for sure cause its been at least a year ago. I don't think the police can force them to go to the hospital, but if they're drunk or whatever they can force them to go to jail or give them the choice of jail or the hospital. We can't force them to do anything, if anybody doesn't want to go to the hospital they have to sign a release form so that they can't sue us later.
I'm so jealous...I want snow....
I've got my last 2 exams tomorrow and then I'll be out of school for 3 weeks. I'm very excited about that :)
At 3:46pm on December 13, 2008, Joel C Kelley said…
Certainly! Might be a while, though. We have to buy them from the countyif we want more than are issued on our uniforms. I buy a few every six months or so, but I'll see what I have on hand.....
At 9:54am on December 11, 2008, Kasey said…
Yeah, it was last October. Me and some friends were hanging out on a Friday night in the city nearest us (like 20 miles away, and its small but its the best we have). We had just left taco bell and decided to cruise for a while cause there wasn't really anything else to do. 2 people were with me, and 2 others were on another vehicle. We got to a stoplight, and the light was green but the traffic hadn't started moving yet, and I had to slam on brakes to keep from hitting the car infront of me cause I wasn't paying attention, but I didn't hit it. Then a second later a truck ran into the back of me, and knocked me into the car infront of me, and knocked that car into the truck infront of it. (the guy that hit me claimed he was only going 25 mph, but theres no way. We think he was actually going the speed limit of 40 or more). My truck is a 1996 Ford Bronco, so it has the heavy metal frame, and it bent that and destroyed the tailgate and back bumper (but amazingly didn't break the back window). My front bumper was also bent up pretty bad from hitting the car, and the back right fender was bulged out from the frame being bent. Me and my friends had horrible whiplash the next few days, but thats all. The guy that hit us tried to drive his truck home, but his front end was messed up so bad that he had to pull over cause his motor was messing up. It was an older couple in the car that we hit, the woman had just had surgery cause she already had a broken neck, so they took her to the hospital just in case. The back end of their car was damaged, and the hood had a dent where the car had run into the other trucks trailer hitch. The truck infront didn't appear to have any damage. The city (Danville) fire department and rescue squad responded.
Every day after that my bronco seemed to get more and more bent, it was really starting to resemble an upside down "U". We took it to a lot of body shops, but nobody wanted to try to straighten the frame cause they said it would be to hard (and if they did do it it would cost like $7,000) and that we should just total it. But I loved it, and nothing was wrong with the motor or anything, it was just the frame and some body work. A friend recommended one shop, so dad tried there, and they wouldn't do it, but they told us about a guy that used to work for them that could straighten tractor trailers, so we went to his shop and he did it for $700 with no problems. That was in May I think. We took it there the other day to get it painted. He charged a little more than other places, but we still went there since he was so nice about the frame.
Yeah, I have noticed that. We had a wreck one night, a drunk woman went around a curve too fast, hit a road sign so hard that the metal pole flew through the air and literally wrapped around an electric pole guidewire, then she went airborne through the top of a tree and rolled the car end over end 7 or 8 times, and she was fine. (She also thought she was in a city thats about a hundred or more miles away and kept trying to walk to her sisters house, so its amazing that she made it all the way to Keeling before she wrecked). 2 years ago on Thanksgiving, a girl ran off the road and went over a ditch and into a field. She didn't roll over or anything, it just looked like she purposely drove into the field, and she broke her back. It really makes no sense.
Thank you, I hope Santa is generous to you as well haha :)
At 9:31pm on December 9, 2008, rob said…
hey sorry i didnt get back to you sooner i would love to trade patches and or shirts i wear an xl if you trade shirts. My address is p.o. box 206 seneca illinois 61360 thanks Rob Ruit
At 10:23am on December 9, 2008, Kasey said…
Yeah, I try to think of the people I know who have been together forever and are still happy. There just seems to be so few of them now.
Some places around us were getting freezing rain this morning, but we didn't get any of that. They saw we might have snow flurries tomorrow, which doesn't really make sense because its supposed to be in the 60s.
We were called to a wreck yesterday, a girl around my age ran off the road and over-corrected and flipped her car a couple times. She wasn't hurt, just extremely shaken up and upset.
I don't guess I've told you, but I was in a wreck in October of last year. We finally got my truck fixed in May I think, but we hadn't gotten the body damage fixed. Daddy called me yesterday and said that he had called the body shop and they said they could work on it now, so I should get it back around Christmas with a new paint job and all the dents and everything fixed :) It did come at a kinda bad time cause my car has been broken down for about a month now, and daddy just got it in the shop last week and hasn't had time to get it totally fixed yet, so I'm having to drive one of his trucks for the time being.
Thanks, merry Christmas to your family as well!
At 4:03pm on December 8, 2008, Tim said…
Did you get the patch yet? I never heard anything..just following through...

Please let me know..I sent then off a few weeks ago.

At 3:06am on December 8, 2008, Anne Sherwood said…
The World Youth Day was the most amazing event for Sydney - the whole of Sydney got caught up in the excitement - huge groups of young people - singing, laughing, just basically happy to be there - just amazing. So Daniel, enjoy the patch - glad it's gone to a good home.
Take care,
At 11:24am on December 4, 2008, Kasey said…
Yeah, I know. People are so stupid. I always imagine me and my future husband being together forever, but I'm almost afraid to get married incase we're not. I think a divorce would be horrible.
Our highs have been about 55 the past few days. Nights get down to 25-35. We have had some sleet and snow, but nothing major. It snowed like half an inch one night but it was gone as soon as the sun hit it. Its nice though cause the past few years we've hardly had anything and what we did have was in January and February which is like our coldest months...so maybe theres hope for a nice snow this year?
At 12:07pm on December 2, 2008, Kasey said…
oh ok, that makes more sense. All I could figure out was that a passenger would have weighed the car down more and it would have been lower to the ground so it would have gone farther under the truck. But yeah, thats good there wasn't one.
We'd only had an EMS call for about a week until last night we were called to car fire. I got to drive a firetruck to a call for the first time cause its the first time we've had a fire since I got my EVOC :) The guy that owned the car is going through a divorce, and it looked like it was set. It was a mini-van, and the fire started in the rear. What appeard to have happened was a dumbbell that he said had been in the yard was in the back seat, so somebody had thrown that through the back window and then started a fire inside. It got so hot the back license plate was melted completely off. I took pictures on my digital, so I'll try to upload them sometime.

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