Jeff's Comments

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At 8:52pm on January 31, 2009, Jeff said…
Not much anymore Lisa. I hope that you are doing well. How are things going?
At 9:05pm on January 30, 2009, Lisa said…
You still here Jeff??
At 5:11pm on November 16, 2008, Lisa said…
Hey Jeff....Just popping in to say HI. Hope you're doing well. It was a bad week for me...hopefully this next one will be great! TTYS.
At 8:01pm on November 1, 2008, Lisa said…
Thanks Jeff!!!! Lol....Maybe I should finally take you up on your offer!! So how's it going tonight??
At 9:44pm on October 29, 2008, Lisa said…
Hi Jeff....just stopping in to say Hi. Lol....Thank you so much for the compliment on the pics. I hope you're having a great night. Mine sucks. TTYS.
At 12:41pm on October 28, 2008, Sarah Turner said…
I think you were the only one who noticed that.
Ample CISD will take care of that before I get my scrambled eggs commisioner hat
At 9:35pm on October 23, 2008, Lisa said…
Hey! Im on here again and you're not, lol. I hope your having a great week Jeff.
At 11:01pm on October 22, 2008, Lisa said…
Hey there Jeff!!!! How's my sweet friend doing?
At 9:49pm on October 21, 2008, Jennica Stout said…
well, i'm done. no more effing math. yay! you know, for being so radical you're such a square....hehe
At 9:25am on October 20, 2008, Sarah Turner said…
Ha ha ha ha thanks. Glad to see someone has respect for a future commissioner. Cold down here. been down to 65 for past couple days.. brrr... SC is awesome. underpaid, non union and awesome. How about Maine? You going to send a pot of lobsters down here?
At 7:30am on October 17, 2008, Jennica Stout said…
It's Saturday! I have the day off and I'm up anyway! Lol...only a week and a half left of @!*%ing algebra....the only side effect has been some mild dementia. Have a great yesterday!
At 10:49pm on October 6, 2008, Lisa said…
Hi of these days/nights we'll meet up with eachother I guess, lol. How are you? Im doing pretty good....had a quiet week-end which was cool because this week-end will be a busy's a long week-end here for us because it's Thanksgiving here in Canada.
At 12:20am on October 5, 2008, Jennica Stout said…
Did you know that 90 xanax and 65 vicodin will most certainly kill you? That little old ladies with COPD and a sat of 75% will say, "damn, that's not good is it?" Or that an accidental 400cc fluid bolus will make a chest pain pt. feel much better? And finally my favorite: bp is 82/50. So what's that patch on your chest for sir? My blood pressure, he says....(in his defense, he didn't know if it helped high or low bp)...
There's my week in a nutshell, which means not much studying...but tons of work...good stuff!! LOL
At 9:23pm on September 27, 2008, Lisa said…
At 1:10am on September 27, 2008, Lisa said…
Hi Jeff....Im doing good. How have you been? I'll be on here during the week-end so maybe we'll run into each other. Thanks for your messages. Take care.
At 6:43pm on September 21, 2008, Regina Morgan said…
Hello!! Luckily it is cooling down here in Indiana as well!! I can't wait for fall, it is my all time favorite time of the year!!!!!! Unfortunately, it's not quite as pretty here as it is in Maine. : )
At 10:24pm on September 20, 2008, Lisa said…
Hey Jeff. Yes, I have been getting your messages. I havent been on in a week or more....just got caught up in some stuff I guess. Work has been busy but going really well...we have a lot of kids this year which is always great news. So sorry it took me so long to get back to you. So, what's new with you and how have you been??
At 1:10pm on September 18, 2008, Firehouse Dolls said…
Maine is too far. Come by our website anytime
Have a Great day!!!
At 4:56pm on September 13, 2008, Lisa said…
Hey Jeff....just stopping in to see how you're doing.
At 9:55pm on September 10, 2008, Theresa said…
That is good that you don't have work till sunday! have a good day off. And be safe when you go back to work!

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