You may yell and cuss at me because it took me too long to get to your loved one’s side, but remember, I was running those lights and sirens behind you one day and you wouldn’t move over for me so I could get to another families loved one in a timely manner.

You may threaten my life, but remember, I’ve been threatened before and still had the calm demeanor about me that I do with you now. Believe me, I understand you are upset, but your threats don’t scare me.

You may say that we are a lazy bunch, us EMTs, Cops, and Firefighters, and that we sit on our butts all day and don’t do anything, but remember, I was there when you needed me, and I took care of you to the best of my ability, so that you could live.

You may think that we don’t know what we are doing, but remember, we’ve been through extensive training and maintain our proficiency just for you.

You may think we are a little crazy, but remember, it takes a little bit of crazy to run into a burning building, to be shot at, and to want to ride in the back of a truck going 90 mph doing cpr with no seatbelt on.

You may think I am emotional at times, but remember, I have a heart too, and it breaks my heart to see someone die or get injured. Yes I do cry.

You may think that all I do is sleep on the job, but remember, I ran 10 emergency runs, 2 fire standbys and a transfer out of town all in a 24 hour period, sleep frequently evades me.

You may think a lot of things about EMS, FIRE, and POLICE, but remember, we do what we do because we love it. There is nothing more satisfying than saving a life, old or young, no matter what creed, religion, or sex you are. We are always on duty, waiting for the call that could change our lives in a heartbeat. Through hell we go, adrenaline pumping and ready to do our business, serving you to the best of our ability. God bless and protect all EMS, FIRE, and POLICE...

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Comment by chris carillo on December 7, 2008 at 6:18pm
thank you
Comment by Brian Dumser on December 6, 2008 at 9:51pm
Comment by Alan on December 6, 2008 at 9:33pm
How true this is. Thanks
Comment by hardin7002 on December 6, 2008 at 9:30pm
need to print in paper for all to read

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