I think I finally put it all together….I understand it now. Call it an epiphany or a moment of clarity, but suddenly it all made sense. During a recent class the instructor made several references to the standard EGH ethos, “We come first” and “Risk a lot to save a lot”. As I listened though, I understood that while he spoke of these things, his perspective was different. And then it became clear.
People's experience level determines how they interpret "a lot" in terms of "risk a lot". In today's world of less experience, people are pushing to make a lot be very little because they just don't know any better…there experience pool is too small. They are willing to forgo saving a victim and save their own life because that is what they are being taught. Except those teaching it have the balance of experience to know that that is not what they are saying.
It makes perfect sense, risk is based on what you know, as far as what you experience. So when a very experienced firefighter tells you that you come first and you shouldn't risk "a lot". It has a different meaning in his mind than in yours.
But then you go back to your department and say "I just took this class where Instructor X from department XXYY says we come first" and that .................
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