Last thing I remember was waking up this morning 10 minutes late for my 1 hour commute. It is 5 in the afternoon here at Engine 99. We've had 2 calls so far (unusual) but today is FLYING BY. I've updated both blogs, facebook, twitter and now back on Firefighter NAtion catching up.

Einstein once defined relativity using the example of a young boy looking at a pretty girl. Ask the boy to look at the pretty girl for a minute and it will seen like 10 seconds since he wants it to last. But ask the boy to spend that same minute sitting on a hot stove and he'll swear it is an hour. That is relativity.

I mention this because the firefighter beside me on the engine today constantly complains the day is taking forever. He is checking his phone (does no one wear a watch anymore?) and swearing that the day will never end.

I on the other hand have had a steady list of things to get done and things I want to do and the day seems to have not even happened yet. I love days like this, but I've been in his shoes as well.

Be safe friends,

the Happy Medic

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