Impartial- not prejudiced towards or against any particular side or party; fair; unbiased.

Bigot- A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, irrationality,and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern American English refers to persons hostile to those of differing race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation and religion.

There's no doubt that the building of the mosque around the site of the WTC is going to stir up emotions for many. The whole 9/11 topic strikes a personal chord with many here on FFN and other emergency service related sites.

What I do wonder as I wade through and read many of the responses to the various topics though, is how impartial some responders are.

If I was to go by some of the responses, then I must beleive that if you're a practising Muslim, then you're a terrorist.

I wonder how some would respond to a call for assistance, only to discover that the victim was a Muslim or of Middle Eastern nationallity? Or perhaps if the reported structure fire was a mosque?

Would we be impartial and simply do our job or will our emotions get in the way and cloud our judgement?

We need to be careful that we remain impartial when dealing with the public- every person who calls for assistance is simply that- a person who needs assistance, regardless of gender, race, religion, colour, etc.

Bigotry can be shown in many ways- we need to keep those emotions in check and treat everyone fairly and with impartiallity when responding.

Let's not get caught in the...

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Comment by Kevin Hatfield on August 28, 2010 at 12:10am
I agree Chief France

All the citizens of the County I work for get the same level of care and respect, personal thoughts and feelings should stay at home. In the end these citizens are the ones paying your wages .... and make sure you get your nice big new shiny toys
Comment by 55 TRUCK on August 22, 2010 at 2:18pm
US not wanting a mosque built near the 9/11 attack. Has absolutely nothing to do with being bigots.
Comment by lutan1 on August 20, 2010 at 5:50pm
Mike- it may hit home, it may hit a nerve, it may hurt.

My point is, that as first responders, when the tone go off, we need to put aside all feelings and emotions and treat the person as simply a person who needs assistance regardless of the sex, colour, religious beleif, etc.

IMHO, I think many here would struggle to do that, based on some of the responses to these discussions.

How about we need to learn to let go of bigotry, rather than just working to keep it in check. Prejudices and bias can be checked, but when it reaches bigotry I have to believe that it is near impossible for a bigot to remain impartial.
Good point Jack.
Comment by Paul Montpetit on August 20, 2010 at 3:48pm
I think part of the problem is that the American people are getting sick and tired of turning the other cheek...iilegal aliens,requiring bilingual services,sending aide overseas when we have homeless and starving people here, sending our young men overseas to get maimed and killed,NAFTA...and industry getting taxpayer aide and then going overseas, and getting taxed to death in the process.....Yes, I have a "suspicion" of Muslims...I'm not proud to say it but I freely admit it....After 9-11 its hard not to....I try hard to judge people by their acts not by others or stereotypes......
Comment by Jack/dt on August 20, 2010 at 10:37am

Not ALL muslims teach hate, anymore than ALL christians teach it, and you'd better believe that there are those that do. The westboro baptist church is a glaring example (google it). The people that tied, beat and were responsible for the death of matthew shepard, hated. An indian sikh, shortly after 9/11 was killed, the suspected motive; because he looked 'muslim'. Abortion centers that are bombed and doctors that are killed because they perform abortions, all from hate.

MARIETTA - Muslims in Cobb County are asking questions about a government decision preventing construction at a mosque.

The city zoning board has denied a mosque's request to build a 70-foot spire even though the city granted two similar variances for church steeples in 1998.

Md. town accused of discriminating against Muslim group

By The Associated Press

WALKERSVILLE, Md. — Officials of a rural Maryland town illegally discriminated against a Muslim group by barring them from building a mosque and holding annual conventions on land zoned for farming, the property’s owner claimed in a federal lawsuit filed yesterday.

Protection of Religious Land Use

The right to build, buy, or lease a place to assemble for worship is an indispensable part of religious freedom. For many faith groups, the same is true of schools for religious instruction. Religious groups simply cannot exercise their faiths without facilities adequate for their needs.

Yes, christian churches and jewish synagogues have likewise been denied permits but most often because it violates local zoning. Although one could suspect that there could be other motivations.

So please, leave your rhetoric at the door. If you insist on painting with a broad brush then the aforementioned incidents could easily lead a person to believe that ALL christians teach hatred.


With regard to this statement, "Bigotry can be shown in many ways- we need to keep those emotions in check and treat everyone fairly and with impartiallity when responding."
How about we need to learn to let go of bigotry, rather than just working to keep it in check. Prejudices and bias can be checked, but when it reaches bigotry I have to believe that it is near impossible for a bigot to remain impartial.

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