EVERYTHING When i became chief due to the death of our past chief i thouht i had a good understanding of what to expect. After all i had been his asst.for a couple of years.I Knew what meetings to go to . Who to get a hold of and for what.That was the easy stuff. I now realise i was also a chaplain and pycologist as well. As certain things have come up the last few months.I dont care for the polatics that sometimes come with this new job. And i did know i was responsible for everything witch is hard to get through to some of the guys. Im in good shape though cause most my guys give a crap about their department. They listen not always liking what i have to say but that comes with the territory. Cant make you all happy or we wouldnt have anything to bitch about.

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Comment by Tim Roush on April 25, 2009 at 11:51pm
most people including members don't realize what goes on behind the scenes, your doing a great job. keep up the good work.
Comment by Michelle on April 25, 2009 at 2:16pm
Hey Dear!!!!
I think you are doing an awsome job. I can't say I know but I'm sure its frustrating sometimes, just know that I always have your back no matter what!!
Comment by Tim Wood on April 1, 2009 at 5:44pm
Thanks for the encouragement i like to hear from the vets on how they handle things
Comment by Jeff Wright on March 31, 2009 at 10:05pm
Welcome to the TOP White hat club. I started out in 1975 and worked my way up the ladder,was asst chief for 10 years have been Chief for 5 years. I took many class as an Asst Chief but brother that is nothing like what I've taken in the last 5 years. Some of my members think the last Chief is still in charge, but I've got that under control now. You have to do whats best for the department as a whole. Be up front with your members, don't ask them to do what you would not do yourself. Taker any classes to do with dealing with people. You are the CIO of the department,you are the guy who has control of the money and all that happens within the department. And your butt is the one the lawyers are going to chew on if thing go south, Get you some good officers under you, make sure they see the department the way you see it. Good Luck in your mission....

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