Almost one year ago, a small rural fire department in Horseshoe Bend Arkansas was destroyed by fire all local fire departments assisted mutual aide to help try to save our department, not only was the department destroyed but all of its equipment, trucks, turnouts, scbas etc.............Local services were nice enough do donate extra equipment and Arkansas Forrestry a truck, but here is the kicker,,,,,,,,,,,,,Personell from city hall had not paid insurance on the contents so there was no insurance to cover new trucks and the insurance on the building was minimum. Many community fund raisers were held, and many grants were applied for to build a new station, now equipment and trucks are being stored in the bottom of city hall, which is very small............and some of the equipment is having to be placed elsewhere. But this small rural department has been turned down for all its grants for a new fire house, recently a call to our governor on a call in radio show we were told call this number tomorrow and we will get you help, there is money out there...so the next day fire cheif Mike Hilliker and other department members spent several hours on the phone trying to find "this money" that was out there. Guess what, there was none available for them. YET there was thousands and thousands of dollars available to remodel the CLINTON LIBRARY in Little Rock, I know as a firefighter/ paramedic life is not always fair, but this stinks.

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