I am a level; 2  inst. for the state of  Texas on the VOL. side what do Yall thank about VOL Firefighters having to be cert. and or OFFICERS having to be cert. before they can be officers. MY opinion is I that an officer should be before he/she can be one. on the fire fighter side that would be a GREAT thing. that way if the VOL. and paid guys work side by side they are at lease on the same page and should do a certain. amount of training each year... WHATS YOUR THOUGHTS?

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Comment by James Wright on February 15, 2011 at 12:41pm
training should be number one,but there are VFD'S out there that dont and that wories me
Comment by Bill Carlisle on February 10, 2011 at 3:19pm
In our volunteer dept. in order to be interior cert. they must have nys fff1 , yearly physical and fit test,plus ourselves and the other four depts in our town do yearly scba refresher training ,plus at least once a month we all do a town training since we do automatic mutual aid with each other alot , as far as officer qualifications they are written in our by-laws for each position , but i feel that officers should take as many incident command,officer courses as possible .
Comment by Stephen Eric Payte Chua on February 9, 2011 at 4:50am
Good Day,
I’m Stephen Eric P. Chua, a member of De Castro Subdivision Homeowners & Neighborhood Assn. Peace & Order Council, Brgy. Paso De Blas/ Brgy. Mapulang Lupa, Valenzuela City, Philippines headed by Mr. Graciano C. Carreon (DCSHNA) President, and Engr. Norlito R. Rollan, II (DCSNHA) Peace & Order Council Chairman.
Our peace & order group all non-paid volunteers from all walks of life, would like to inquire regarding on how we could obtain request donations of old, used, 2nd hand fire helmets, turn out coats & pants, hoods, gloves, fire boots, that are not in use anymore and for disposal from your kind organization. That we would put into good use in voluntary service to fight fires and respond to emergency/ disaster & Calamity calls not only in Valenzuela City, but for the rest of Metro Manila and nearby provinces as the need arises for FREE.
Our volunteer group would like to expand our voluntary services as a Fire & Rescue Volunteer Group, and maintain our advocacy to help save lives & properties, and to help those others in need.
We do hope that you could help us in our goal and mission, and hope to hear from you soon. Thank you and God Bless.
Respectfully yours;
Stephen Eric P. Chua
Comment by Brian Cohen on February 8, 2011 at 11:50am
Volunteer or paid training should be number one. This is your life, my life and we should all look at it like that. But, training cannot replace experience, it can only enhance it.

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