A tragedy occurred in January of 2008 in our county. Torrential rains had washed out a section of road over a creek in the northern part of our district. Traveling home, a mother and her 2 year old son went off into the creek and perished. Her sister, trying to locate them, also goes off at the same area into the swift flowing water. She and her passenger survived.
Two long years have passed for this family. Instead of being bitter at the fire departments for any multitude of reasons, the family realized a need. As an ongoing legacy to victims, the family began a benefit, not for just their local department, but for all 17 departments in the county.
To date, the money raised by this family alone has purchased needed water rescue gear for all departments. Without this generous act, most departments (mine included) could not have obtained this gear. Speaking for all of the 17 departments, I say simply "Thank You."
It was just bad that it took a tragedy of this magnitude to open the eyes of so many.

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