Do you remember the first real call you went on? I do, and it wasn't the call I recall the most, it was the feeling I had that I remember. I was scared, and proud all at the same time.

Today, I had those feelings all over again. I was accepted to a paid fire department. I had those feelings because, I am proud to know that it is in my life plan to be where I am, and scared to know what I am doing is right, but, I don't want to try so hard that I screw the easiest task up.


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Comment by Paul Everson on May 14, 2009 at 7:10am
Hey Jeff, Jason has given you some good advise! Also remain respectful, polite and work your ass off! Do not go into the new fire house and tell them how to do a job, even if you feel they are doing it wrong. If the captain asked you to do something not related to firefighting do it without hesitation. Remember everybodys job desription has that final line that states "Other duties as assigned"
Good luck and keep us posted on how you are doing.

Comment by Jason Koontz on May 13, 2009 at 10:09pm
Never forget, my young padouan, professional is in the attitude, the work ethic, the pride, and how you carry yourself. It has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with a paycheck.
Comment by FireMan_J on May 13, 2009 at 3:59pm
whether you are paid on call, volunteer or fulltime paid you are and always will be a PROFESSIONAL FIRE FIGHTER. Everyone will make mistakes, it is not something you need to worry about, what you need to worry about is when you do make the mistake, if you learn from it??? That is KEY.

Congrats on going fulltime, it is a journey and you will find out that the journey you have taken and are on is well worth it.

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