Thoughts on a different and difficult extracation

Looking for someone who is very skilled in
vehicle extraction had a different and difficult one would like some
other opinions on this.

Had a car over a STEEP embankment in between 2 trees. was only able to open doors about 7 in on both sides..had a 3 ft + creek behind the car. The embankment was straight up, we were using a ladder to climb up and was 350 pounds plus...there was also 6+ Inches of snow on the ground and falling.....we were able to remove the door but then the most difficult part was removing her...we finally got got her out but it was extremely difficult and had to place stokes basket and raise her up the hill head first which was the only way up..any ideas on a different way....we got her out safely which is all that matters.. 

also I'm new to Firefighter nation..add me.. so i can see how this site works...


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Comment by Tyler Williams on January 22, 2011 at 10:26pm
ya thats my whole out look..thanks fellas hopefully ill have pics soon so i can show you guys the county ems director was there taking pics..stay safe
Comment by FETC on January 22, 2011 at 10:12pm
Tyler there is no right answer in these difficult extrications. These are unique and need to be handled specific to each hazard. Without seeing a picture I can't give you any suggstions. You completed your objective and nobody got hurt so that in itself is a success.
Comment by Tyler Williams on January 22, 2011 at 7:48pm
we thought that but in order to cut the C post someone would been in the creek...we did have the stokes basket secured with a wench also had a safety line attached.. and we would have to walk a mile or so to find a better spot ha ha ha it was a all around bad situation but we took it as a learning experience....thanks for your info stay safe..
Comment by Station10Capt106 on January 22, 2011 at 10:19am
without seeing the situation first hand my thoughts would be to take the roof off to allow maximum access to the patient. I would also use a stokes basket making sure that I have several lines tied to it to facilitate lifting and for stabilization. The only other thought would be the possiblilty of lowering the patient down and following the creek bank to a better more stable & secure place to raise the patient if one was available nearby.

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