This makes me sick to my stomach !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Council may decide fire chief's future Tuesday
Citizen Online has learned that the Windom city council may discuss the possibility of removing Fire Chief Dan Fossing from the Windom Fire Department at Tuesday night's regular meeting.

According to members of the Windom Fire Department, the city personnel committee has recommended Fossing's removal because of a disagreement about how a fire truck was used.

According to sources within the fire department, the issue started this summer when one of Windom's firefighters was getting married and asked to have a fire truck in the wedding photos and to have it carry the wedding party to the Windom Community Center.

The firefighter reportedly asked city officials if that would be OK. According to sources, the city administrator then polled council members and learned that the truck could be used in the photo, but could never leave the fire hall. In other words, a photo could be taken with the truck outside the fire hall.

Because fire trucks are required to be taken on regular test drives, Fossing decided to take the truck to the church on the day of the wedding. That way the photo could be taken without having the wedding party drive to the fire hall. After the photo, Fossing returned the truck to the fire hall. The wedding party was not given a ride to the Community Center.

Fossing told firefighters his intention was not to override a council decision, but rather to find a workable solution that allowed a dedicated firefighter to have his wedding photo taken with a fire truck.

The photo eventually appeared online on someone's Facebook, causing this matter to come to the personnel committee's attention. The committee has met a few times on this issue and decided Tuesday to make the recommendation to remove Fossing from the chief position and from the fire department.

City Administrator Steve Nasby said he cannot comment on the matter because it is a private personnel issue. Mayor Kirby Kruse has also declined to comment because it is a personnel matter.

Nasby did say that he anticipates having a personnel item on Tuesday's city council agenda. (The council agenda is not finalized until Friday.)

However, he added that it is not yet known whether that portion of the meeting will be open or closed. Typically in a personnel matter, the employee (in this case Fossing) has the option of requesting that the meeting be open.

 Fossing has been a member of the Windom fire department for 21 years. Sources maintain that Fossing had a spotless personnel file prior to this incident.

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on September 14, 2009 at 8:49am
I don't want to be the dissenter here, but it's real simple to me.
We are seeing a lot of "product placement" these days.
If this very dedicated firefighter wanted to include his firefighting side into his wedding memories, he could have done it in a number of ways and none of them would have put anyone at risk with existing policies.
Everyone wants to broadstroke politicians when the issue of governance falls on the other side of one's opinion.
What could have been done differently? First; if a picture with the fire truck was so important, then the wedding party should have gone to the fire station, if permission was given for the photo session.
Second; the firefighter could have dressed in his turnout gear and his bride in her lovely wedding dress with the fire station or truck as a back drop.
Third; as part of the ceremony, mention that the firefighter was a firefighter.
We have to remember that fire trucks aren't PROPS; they serve a purpose. There have been inappropriate uses of them ranging from scantily clad women in suggestive poses hanging off of them to using them to fill swimming pools for the elite. It is stuff that gives someone with a bone to pick the juice they need to complain.
What I am saying here is that the city council didn't over re-act. The chief pushed the envelope and it got him into trouble. I hope he doesn't lose his rank. THAT would be an over re-action, but a letter of reprimand would certainly be appropriate.
Personally, I like the chief's style. You know; take the truck out as per guidelines and stop at the church along the way. I like that. Unfortunately, the city council isn't amused.
When allowing fire equipment to be used for other than their intended purpose by firefighters or friends of firefighters, you are establishing precedence for someone else to have the right to use it as well and that isn't good.
Other ways should be found to show your love for firefighting. Is it that love for firefighting or is it more ego driven by "I got a big friggin' fire truck in MY wedding picture"?
You decide.
Comment by Roy Walker on September 13, 2009 at 5:08pm
These are the same politicians who , when a major fire is fought ,or a sucessful rescue is made will stumble all over themselves to get their picture taken with the fire truck . Please insure that the local media attends this meeting and gets the true story out to the public so they may let the politicians know their opinions on the subject . Good luck chief!
Comment by John H. Love on September 13, 2009 at 2:16pm
Is there nothing else more important to discuss than a CHIEF and dedicated individaul who drove a truck to a church for a firefighter and family to have a photo taken. This is what keeps those that are dedicated to the department on the department.

I believe that there is more behind this than just a photo opp at a wedding, and if this is what a council has to remove an Officer and drag the moral of a department down, then have at it, but remember that those that dedicate themselves to the fire service, can also loose interest due to political "BS".

Chief, and members of this department need to join together and be in attendance of this council meeting, and see who wants to take the heat, and ask how many council members have turnout gear.

Good Luck and Stay Safe

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