On the theme of "A lesson learned," I recalled a rough call that taught me more than I could have thought.
Here's a snippet:

My mentor there, I'll call him Bill, was a relaxed Paramedic who always talked about everything but the job. You know the type. Sports, family, anything, but when the bells rang he was all business and I soaked it up like a sponge.

Bill was the one who taught me that driving an ambulance isn't a race, but instead a challenge to see how little you can make the box move from side to side. He instructed me to drive with my back slightly forward from the seat back to better feel the motions of the box I was dragging along. One night when we had 2 trauma patients in the back alone with Bill, one near death and the other considering it, I slammed down the accelerator hoping to cut down the 35 minute drive to the trauma center. Bill calmly came to the pass through and said, "Can you just do my a favor and take it easy up there, you're driving, not playing paramedic pinball." As smooth as if he was asking a waitress for extra napkins.
I now tell my patients not to panic until I panic, just like he did.

Read more of what I learned here

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Comment by Ray on March 13, 2009 at 12:28am
Good story!, This will prolly keep you driving the ambulance again tomorrow someday! You can leanr alot talking/working with a veteran!

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