President Obama is set to sign the economic stimulus law today. As detailed in a previous post, the law includes significant funds for public safety. A new report from Galain Solutions indicates that the range of total funds available is anywhere from $4 billion to $13.8 billion for local public safety. The range is so large because of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund. The vast majority of the Stabilization Fund would go to education, but governors can spend 18 percent of their allotment—over $9.7 billion—on public safety and other government services.

While the stimulus bill promises some relief, public safety agencies can’t just sit back and relax. Galain’s report suggests the following:

• Get prepared. Now is the time to start making plans, even if the rules are not 100 percent clear at this point. This applies to both buyers and sellers.

• Be heard. Use your contacts in your governor’s office and with your local legislators to express your opinions about spending the state stabilization funds. Remember, most of the money is allocated for education, but the relatively small percentage that could be spent on public safety is still a significant amount of money.

• Be informed. Federal and state officials will now scramble to figure out how to administer this large amount of money. They’ll then start publicizing the rules for applying for the money. Pay attention, and use your contacts with state administrators to get as much advance notice as possible.

• Prepare for oversight. Despite the pressures to move quickly, new oversight requirements will likely come from Washington. Plus, local procurement rules aren’t waived just because grant money is involved.

•Expect competition. This is true for both buyers and sellers. Be assured that the funds will attract vendors who’ve not competed in public safety markets before. This can be good and bad. Strong solutions and credible stories will be at a premium. It will be important for vendors to stick to fundamentals – good solutions, strong service, solid relationships with buyers, and most importantly, integrity. On the “buy side”, there will be competition over which programs should get funding.

The full report will be available on the Galain Web site later today.

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Comment by steve 593 on February 22, 2009 at 9:57am
i really hope that this bill will be a god send for all of us
Comment by roger hansbrough on February 22, 2009 at 1:58am
well the little dept that run on what they make really need the money for equipment
Comment by Bryan Travis on February 22, 2009 at 1:42am
So I guess the "change" in politics was just about massive spending. Welcome to socialism, spread the wealth right?
Comment by Dave on February 21, 2009 at 4:45pm
Well i hope the smaller and rual departments that need it will get the money, instead of the big city departments getting it all
Comment by David Martinez on February 21, 2009 at 3:29pm
Not to make waves but what is so bad about socialism... Ok we dont like communism but are all socialistic programs inherently bad? Some of these posts make it seem like a socialist program is evil... Is social security, farm subsity, hiway construction and all of their like bad? We turned away from a national health system because politicians were on tv constantly saying this was socialism... and where are we now with out some socialistic program that provides free health care. Open your eyes to the fact that something can be described with a word and not be a bad thing.
Comment by roger hansbrough on February 20, 2009 at 9:16am
i,m a vol. and we as vol. could us alot from state funds
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on February 19, 2009 at 10:16pm
I'm watching this "mortgage bail out" with some interest.
Apparently, I did it all wrong.
My wife and I worked hard to pay off our mortgage.
Guess we screwed up.
I'll have to find a way to screw up our A plus credit rating as well.
Which sounds better; Artie Mae or Artie Mac?
Comment by FireFredEmt on February 19, 2009 at 9:57pm
You know, I hate reading and listening to people speak about "Socialism" and that this package in "Unpatriotic." Let's get over ourselves people and the brainwashing that certain individuals are trying to do. I didn't hear anyone talk about G.W. Bush's package as unpatriotic. I didn't hear anyone make such a big stink when $350 BILLION dollars disappeared under our noses with no answers. Obama is attempting to try something that will help ALL of us out. At least give it a chance before you start knocking it.
Comment by Ray W on February 19, 2009 at 12:00pm
Reply to Dustin: The best way to get Grant money {the only way} is to have a member from your department write the Grant Request. This is the Key! There is an art to Grant Writing. & if nobody from your department has taking a Grant Writing Course. Then either send someone to a Grant Writing Course or Find someone & work out some sort of arrangement for them to write the departments grant requests. It’s not a matter of the Big Departments getting everything & the Smaller Departments getting nothing. Its is all in the way that the Grant request is written & how you justify that you {Your Department} needs the funds
Comment by Brandon on February 18, 2009 at 9:49pm
as a public safety employee that would be great

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