Static Meter for Natural Gas and Propane distributors
(shown with optional recommended leather carrying case)
Static in gas distribution pipe represents the most serious safety risk in operations and repairs. The determination that static is present is a vital first step in suppressing that static. The only definitive method in the field to determine if static is present is to use an el

ectrostatic voltmeter. Your standard practices should require that personnel always check for static before proceeding in any operation where gas is possibly released into atmosphere with static present. Electrostatic voltmeters read the electric field that is present caused by static. Placing the meter within a few inches of the pipe or part will indicate on the meter the presence of static. Appropriate static suppression measures can then be employed to dissipate the static before operations commence.
Our ACL300B is rugged enough for typical field operations. It can read the ranges of voltages typically present in gas and propane operations. It comes with a protective leather carrying case.
- Measures static charges from zero to 30,000 volts
- Convenient pocket size
- Designed for close-in repetitive readings
- Uses standard 9 volt battery
- Battery test feature
- Low drift
- Repeatability +/- 1%, accuracy +/- 10%
Weight: 5.5 oz. with battery
Size: 4 3/8" x 2 5/8" x 1 5/16"
Repeatability: +/- 10%
1. The instrument is ON when the RED power/range selector is in LO or HI position:
2. Static charges may be interpreted as follows:
If RED switch on LO, distance from face of electrode to target is 1/2" static meter voltage range is 0-500V.
If RED switch on LO, distance from face of electrode to target is 4" static meter voltage range is 0-3000V.6. Repeat 1 through 4 for additional measurements
If RED switch on HI, distance from face of electrode to target is 1/2" static meter voltage range is 0-5000V.
If RED switch on HI, distance from face of electrode to target is 4" static meter voltage range is 0-30000V.
LO range is read directly from the meter. Hi range is 10 times meter reading. If general magnitude of charge is unknown, start in LO range. Accuracy is dependent on three factors. The instrument must be properly zeroed. The distance from the surface of the sensitive electrode to the target or surface under examination must be accurately defined, The target must be large relative to the sensitive electrode.
3. Discharge your body by touching a grounded metal object, e,g. water pipe, metal electrical conduit, grounded machinery or workbench.
4. Face the instrument away from charged objects, press the black ZERO twice, then release. Switch will return to READ position. The instrument may also be zeroed by pointing it toward a known grounded surface and pressing the ZERO switch twice.
5. Point electrode toward the target and move to a separation of either 4" or 1/2". Note the reading on appropriate meter scale. Separation is measured from the front surface of the electrode or the corresponding edge of the groove surrounding the case (forward of the RED switch).
6. Repeat 1 through 4 for additional measurements.
7. Return RED switch to mid-position to turn instrument OFF when not in use.
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