Somethings I think I think ( Octoberized)

Many years ago, one of my favorite newspaper columnists was a gentleman named Phil Musick. Occassionally, he would write an article titled the same way as I did mine today. I enjoyed most of those articles. Here's another version of mine.

October brings grilled cheese, chili, and other comfort foods that are good for the soul.

The temperature changes remind me of my dad and his sweaters, and Mister Rogers too. May they both rest in peace!

October brings leave color changes, wind shift changes, and we become a season older, and the beauty of life is enriched.

Pumpkins, pumpkin spiced coffee, pumpkin pies and pumpkin rolls, does it get much better than that?

October starts a quarter of giving; Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, to name a few.

October signifies traditional seasons too. The seasons of Football and Hockey are underway!

Falling on a pile of leaves eventually leads to the making of snow angels.

Fun memories of haunted stories, haunted houses, and haunted hayrides are recalled and created.

October brings added sweetness. Children in costumes, candy bars, candy corn and candied apples.

Flannel sheets, shirts and blankets adds to the warmth of autumnal sun.

I'm only stopping here because I need a new rake to pile some leaves.

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