Hey guys!
The tiger, one of the most magnificent animals in the world, is also one of the most endangered. A cat of beauty, strength, and majesty, the tiger is master of all and subject to none -- except humans. Of the eight original subspecies of tigers, three have become extinct within the last 60 years; and there are less than 50 South China tigers left on this planet -- few, and possibly none, survive in the wild.
As we all are the citizens, the tigers also make up the country. We all need to make a healthy prospect towards their life . We need to help them from the moment we are able to do so.
And we have desgined this community to strengthen the movement
"SAVE OUR TIGERS". This single help will contribute in saving them
help in increasing from 1411 to much more .
“As drop -drop make up the ocean”..... "You only get out of it what you put in"
So join, create a groups, write blogs, invite your friends, take part in a forum & simply network.
Get active to www.saveourtigers.ning.com .!
Thanks & Regards,
Save Our Tigers Movement Team!
JOIN TODAY:www.saveourtigers.ning.com

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