On August-28-2009 Hyden volenteer Fire Dept lost one of their on Chief L B stacy #305 . L B started the first Fire Dept in Leslie county in 1975. he was aslo involved in helping the 5 other five depts in our county get started, L B had been the chief at Hyden FD for the last 3o some years, he was also the oldest chief and fire fighter in Leslie county he dedicated many days and hours to this county he has taught us alot not only as fire fighters but as people his fire dept was his second home away from home and every one who ask him how many children he had he would allways reply 18 in all and grin he was including us, L B would have been 92 years old next march he lived a great long life and will be terribly missed but we aim to carry on his tradition and he will always be a part of us and our dept if we all could be the person he was that would be saying something RIP L B we love and Miss you

March-03-1918- August- 28- 2009

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