The Ohio Sheriff that thinks there is a need to change the manner in which fire drills in schools are conducted may be a hell of a good sheriff, but he lacks the understanding of fire behavior, fire spread and the many children that have sacrificed their  lives so we have current fire drills and fire alarms  in place in schools.  The systems and codes we have in place did not happen by accident - they were brought abut by deaths - a lot of deaths. THEY WERE PAID FR BY THE DEATHS OF HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN AT SCHOOLS THAT BURNED

With experience as a (retired/disabled) Police Chief and now the volunteer Chief of the Fire Academy of ND, I have a clear understanding of the whole picture which unfolded Tuesday with regard to a fire alarm being involved.  When Evil wishes to commit an act, Evil will do whatever it takes to commit such an act.  Example - all the TSA people checking us like bandits when all it takes is a dedicated idiot with a clean record to work for an airline and throw one extra "suitcase" in with the baggage he has loaded and hidden and that airplane will fly like a brick.  It is a fact, Evil people will do WHATEVER IT TAKES" to get the job done.  To now even think of subverting a system that has saved thousands of students when fires occur will only take time from the fire service spending their time on current needed projects to fight the stupidity of changing a good thing due to one Evil son of a bitches actions.

If I lived in that Sheriff's county, I would already have a recall petition circulated because of the S###

SHOW about to begin.  Some politicians that do not know what WE know will certainly look over his ill fated proposal.  

The WORST thing that cold happen is this stupidity gain traction - and it is our job to let it stop RIGHT NOW.

Darrell Graf, Chief of Police (retired/lod disabled) Medina, ND Police Dept.   Chief - Fire Academy ND

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