Resident Programs, how much control can the department have?

Isn't there a saying......"You volunteer to be here....everything else is mandatory!" ? Doesn't this mean that if you are going to belong to something that you volunteer for, such as the military, yoou have to follow a strict set of guidline? Within reason of course, but shouldn't a department that has a resident program be able to give a little more instruction to a resident firefighter as to when they are to be there and what they need to accomplish?

It is my feeling that if youare going to essentially be a leach off of a department or a certain tax base, that the tax payers and the agency have the right to tell you what they want in return. Am I wrong or should departments be able to require residents to be on shift on certain nights? Can we assign them to a shift and require them to work a modified detroit schedule or should we just say that they should pull 2 or 3 shifts a week? I could use some help with this......

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Comment by Firefighter Nation WebChief on March 24, 2009 at 8:42am
General overview of the successful program run by the Hyattsville (MD) VFD

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